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Was a beautiful day, a so perfect to go to the beach, as I sat very close to the ocean in Tokyo I thought to go with 2 friends of mine to profit that day.

We took a bag where I put: a lipstick, an eye pencil, towel, Lotiune the beach, phone, calendar a 24224s1823y nd proud I went to the beach, where we installed and we settled we sunburnt. At one time my friend give me an ideea: to make a boat ride. I packed my things and I went to the center of ships, reached there we sadly shipped and we started. Everything worked perfectly until the moment when the boat stopped the people in the boat were scared so hard and i couldn't hear the voice of the captain who said that I left without fuel and in the middle of nowhere.The people have jumped into the water with the help of rescue jackets for fear lest we remove much of the shor. We dosen't got to jump because we left no Rescue news so I stayed with the captain and crew of the ship.

I was very scared but sadly still thought someone would come to our rescue.But was done tonight and have formed strong winds that have brought huge waves.finally the winds stoped and we I fell asleep, sadly woke up when I noticed that the vessel is no longer move us she was stopped on an island, I searched the island and found that it is wilderness and how did we are hungry we thought fishing was said and done. Because it was very hectic great we thought it was gonna rain and gently made a roof over my head from remains brought by strong currents.after we build the little house started to rain.

We  sat on the island for 5 months where we ate what we got, we slept where I could gently heated in winter fur animaleleor who were on the island and unexpected warming in a fire.

Our ticket put into a glass and written on a sheet of paper with pencil eye I was in my bag arrived place in 6 months of pain we was rescued by a special crew. to our surprise our family we still expect and we was even get on television.

In our opinion, every minute counts in life, because you can change the future.

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