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Test Paper


Test Paper

1. Present Simple:

The journey (take) six days to walk

We (not appreciate) these things.

(she/like) adventures?

They (paint) beautiful landscapes.

It usually (sleep) at this hour.

2. Present Continuous:

I (write) at the moment.

She (not help) you today.

You (try) to finish it.

We (prepare) to leave.

3. Present Simple or Continuous

I (draw) a castle now.

She usually (drink) lemon tea.

They (not like) cabbage.

(He/Go) to the seaside every summer?

We (not make) a sandcastle at the moment.

4. Write five words for each bubble.

Vegetables Drinks Fruits

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5. Correct the mistakes: (About Jon Bon Jovi)

Jon Bon Jovi is a doctor.

He always drinks milk.

He doesn't like to keep fit.

They travel long distances by ship.

After the concert they go straight to bed.

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Accesari: 1477
Apreciat: hand-up

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