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"This is the story of a real fallen angel.gave up her wings only to fly in the next life"

Sara is a girl who gave her everything for a boy who did not cherish her at all. He was stuck in dangerous affairs and deals with the mafia and criminals. She stood by him for almost 2 years, forgiving every mistake he did, she never asked questions about where he has been or where he will go and did everything he told her.

On a sunny afternoon they were walking in the park as always. She was trying to make the best of the little time they were going to spend together. As usual, he got a mysterious call and it was obvious he had to leave.

As they walked out of the park, a black car approached them and a man let down the window.

"You owe us. You know it. You should not have done what you did" he said to the boy

"Lets solve this somewhere else" the boy said

"No. We are going to solve this right now!" the man said and he took out a gun and pointed it towards the boy

Sara was a few steps back. Right before the man shot she jumped in front of the boy, putting her arms around him. She got shot instead of him.

"Why did you have to drag her into this?" the man in the car asked. "You were supposed to die, not her!" and then they drove of in speed.

Sara was still breathing and the boy fell on his knees holding her.

"I told you I would never let anything hurt you" she said.He couldn`t say anything.It was only now that he realized what he had had besides him

The police arrived and the ambulance too, but it was too late for Sara. The bullet went right through her heart.

Sara`s parents were devastated, she was all they had.The man who shot her turned in to the police but he never say why he murdered her, neither he said what were his true intentions.

Her boyfriend, the one who she saved gathered some friends and they all carried her coffin across town, as a tribute to her sacrifice.After she was buried the boy disappeared.

In a quiet forest, in a very tall tree a cold breeze passed through the leaves. She opened her eyes and saw small branches and leaves. To the right a big black figure with deep but warm eyes was looking at her. It was warm and she felt safe. Near her she saw two little figures but she could not understand what they were. Then everything went black again. A warm voice whispered something she could understand :

"Are they all out?" the voice said

"Yes.two boys and one girl" another voice said

When she woke up again she could see feathers. Now things were really confusing! Suddenly to huge, shiny  black eyes rose in front of her, then a big yellow beak.

"Boo!" the little thing said

"Who are you?" she asked

"I am your brother. He is your brother too!" he said "Mum told us to look after slept the whole time and only woke up to eat!"

"Aha.Dad was worried that you might not make it.He said you would die if you don`t wake up today and we would have had to throw you out of the nest!"

"Mum? Dad? Nest!?" she said "what is happening"? she asked

Then the big black figure returned. It was a raven.Somehow she knew it was her mother and she found everything quite normal but in the same time very confusing!

"Thank goodness she woke up!Time to eat.Your dad will arrive soon too!"

She remembered the look in her boyfriend`s eyes, she remembered what she said but she had no idea where she was.She also knew  she was a bird too and now she is part of a raven family.

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