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William Shakespeare- The Sonnets



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c) William Shakespeare- The Sonnets

General presentation : The sonnet is a literary form with a fixed structure. The Italian Sonnet is made up of an initial octave (8 lines) and a concluding sestet 757s187h (6 lines). The Shakespearean Sonnet is made up of three quatrains ab/ab; cd/cd; ef/ef and a concluding couplet (g g). Shakespeare has written 154 sonnets grouped into two parts: the first part(1-126) is dedicated to the handsome, blond, male friend; the second part (127-154) is dedicated to the enigmatic figure of the Dark Lady.

-In the first part, the poet conceives (the) male friendship as a feeling similar to love Shakespeare praises the young's man exquisite beauty; he pays full tribute to the handsome youth.

-In loving the dark-haired woman, the poet is aware of his degradation both as husband and man.

General Themes

The preservation of beauty

The power of art/creation

The ravages of time


Revolt against hostile fate/society

Sonnet 91

While reading this sonnet, one can identify both themes of love and social revolt. More often than that, Sonnet 91 represents Shakespeare's critics on his contemporary times and society. He is disappointed with the way life goes in his time, in a money-oriented society or based on "wealth", "garments".

" Some glory in their birth."

Shakespeare himself doesn't appreciate fakeness, false pride and social position. For him what truly matters is pure love.

"But these particulars are not my measure


They love is better than high birth to me"

In some lines, using the particular point of view the poet introduces himself in an antithetic universe that of social, political power -on the one hand, and of love - on the other hand.

Therefore, love is seen from a particular point of view.

The language he uses is mainly abstract. The tone is sometimes optimistic, other times pessimistic.

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