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Experiential ways of Team-Building


Experiential ways of Team-Building

- for management teams -

Some people seem to thrive on change. How do they do it? How do they manage change in a way that they not only survive, but also excel? They seem to make change work for them.

Great leaders created their own opportunities to fight for what they believed in. This is the challenge!

One of the most significant essentials for success during transition is teambuilding. Leaders that can challenge, motivate, and empower their teams and their own through change are successful.

Our program is taking into account the five essentials.

The five essentials are the basic outline of our consulti 353j921d ng, training and development.

Essential One: Knowledge

Successful businesses today focus on knowledge workers. Knowledge workers are entrepreneurial -- visionary and creative. They look at their job as a business and serve other workers in the company as their customers. Knowledge is the foundation to vision.

Essential Two: A Focused Vision

The team must have a unified mission.

The team mission is not for the customers, it is for the staff

The team mission must be developed by the staff -- for ownership

Without knowledge, the team mission is a false hope

Essential Three: Faith

Doubt and skepticism will erode the team spirit

The dynamic team must have a strong faith and trust in their missions

Essential Four: Initiative

"sooner or later all plans degenerate into work."

How do you motivate your leaders to do their part or to interact properly? You don't. Motivation is an inside job: It is internal. Therefore our program is based on affectivity issue and inner patterns. Initiative without knowledge, vision and faith is misguided energy.

Without initiative, knowledge, vision and faith are just a dream.

Essential Five: Training and Development

Leadership skills

Interpersonal-relationship skills

Problem-solving skills

Problem-definition skills

Systems thinking and understanding

Performance understanding

Knowledge of interventions

Organization understanding

Coping skills

Ability to see the big picture

One-Day Teambuilding Workshop

This program is composed of several training modules:

I. Pre-diagnosys - based on our psychological evaluation records

II. Intro and warm up exercices

Expectation of the group members: team purpose, team member roles (from pre-diagnosys)

III. Methods used (general description of our most used exercices)


Team Communication

Decision Making and Problem Solving

Managing Team Conflicts

Self-Authorized Team Leadership.

Techinque 1.

Focusing is a mode of inward bodily attention that most people don't know about yet. It is more than being in touch with your feelings and different from body work.

Focusing occurs exactly at the interface of body-mind. It consists of specific steps for getting a body sense of how you are in a particular life situation. The body sense is unclear and vague at first, but if you pay attention it will open up into words or images and you experience a felt shift in your body.

In the process of Focusing, one experiences a physical change in the way that the issue is being lived in the body. We learn to live in a deeper place than just thoughts or feelings. The whole issue looks different and new solutions arise.

We use focusing in groups - in the special exercice: the group body - which reveal the affective connections between your group members and the way in which they can communicate better with each other. (duration: 1-2 h)

Technique 2

Psychodrama employs guided dramatic action to examine problems or issues raised by an individual (psychodrama) or a group (sociodrama). Using experiential methods, sociometry, role theory, and group dynamics, psychodrama facilitates insight, personal growth, and integration on cognitive, affective, and behavioral levels. It clarifies issues, increases physical and emotional well being, enhances learning and develops new skills.

We use sociometry in our team-building events for different reasons applied to our client needs :

Clarify roles, interpersonal relations, and values.

Explore social choice patterns and reduce conflicts.

Facilitate constructive change in individuals and groups.

Reveal overt and covert group dynamics.

Increase group cohesion and productivity.

(duration: 1 ½ - 2 ½ h)

Others techniques - relating to what client needs. Also, can be taken from pre-diagnosys.

After completing the workshop, participants will be able to:

Describe the characteristics of a team mission statement and use the criteria to develop effective team goals.

Identify stages of team development and use the proper roles in their team structure.

Explain the dynamics of interchangeable roles and identify task and process language as indicators of team communication style.

Identify barriers to the team's communication process and practice strategies for giving and receiving feedback in order to improve team communication.

Explain the difference between decision making and problem solving and identify the proper process to use in the team.

Determine the source of conflict that arises in teams and practice strategies for dealing with team conflict.

Emulate the characteristics of self-leadership.

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