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Outcomes/Results for this section

To help you understand that it's ridiculous and impossible to create a plan for your time without a clear plan for your life.

To help you understand the specific steps you need to take in order to develop you life plan - specifically, to help you define the areas of life that matter to you most (i.e. the categories of your life) and organize them in a way such that they are making consistent progress in each of them.

To give you the distinction of adding specific roles to each of the areas of your life as a way of expanding your identity, creating more fun, and changing the emotions you associate to each area.

To show you how to tap into the seven forces that create vision and momentum in each area of your life.

To give you a tremendous enthusiasm and belief that you can create the ultimate balance, results, and fulfillment you are after!

Purpose for this section

Because once you complete your life plan, learning how to plan your days and weeks to move toward this life plan is simple.

Because this is where the fun, joy, passion, and fulfillment is!

Because having a compelling vision is what will keep you going when the going gets tough.

Because we want you to have a way of organizing your life so that you feel your life is manageable and that you truly can make progress in all the areas of your life that count.

Because we want you to feel the sense of accomplishment and pride that comes from knowing who you are and what's most important to your life!

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Accesari: 980
Apreciat: hand-up

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