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What is your Purpose


What is your Purpose? Why do you want to do this?

PURPOSE: The compelling reasons why you want to do something-reasons that will give you the necessary drive to follow through on your plan.

Once you know what it is you really want (i.e. your result or outcome), you need to associate to why you want to do it-your purpose for wanting to achieve this result.

Reasons come first and answers come second.

Your purpose will provide you with the emotional drive to follow through and to do whatever it takes to achieve the result you desire.

For example, it's one thing to have a result or outcome that says, "I want to become a millionaire within six months." It's another thing to add a compelling purpose to it by saying, "I want to become a millionaire within six months BECAUSE I will be able to help my children, BECAUSE I want to make a difference in the world, BECAUSE I want to develop the pride of knowing that I've overcome so many challenges in my own life, BECAUSE I want to be an example for other people-if I can do it, anyone can do it!, and BECAUSE I want to create many magical, fun moments for myself and those I love."

Let's take our example of Elvis.

RESULT OR OUTCOME To lose 20 pounds and enjoy the process of reaching my ideal weight and vitality.

Now, let's add a compelling purpose to this result.

PURPOSE: To feel great about myself. To increase my sense of control over my life. To increase my strength and vitality. To raise my self-esteem and feel sexy. To become the stud-muffin of my wife's dreams.

HINT: There is no right or wrong answer to anyone's purpose -- what moves you emotionally might be totally different from what moves someone else. The key is to use emotional words -- words that create joy, excitement, and fun. To that end, sometimes a 5¢ word can be much more powerful than a 50¢ word that sounds important.

Here are some questions you can ask to help elicit your purpose:

Why do I want to do this?

What will it give me?

What will it help me give to others?

How will it make me feel?

Once you've decided upon a clear result or outcome, the second step is to define your purpose. This is one of the most important parts of the process because without it you lose your emotional drive. Without it you have more stress, which can cause you to give up when the inevitable challenges arise.

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Accesari: 987
Apreciat: hand-up

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