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Basic Guitar Scales


Basic Guitar Scales

= the root of the scale (the root is the letter name e.g. A)


The major scale should be one of the first scales that you learn. Besides being a good warm up and technique builder, the major scale will be the starting point for all theory. This is a two octave sc 959v2122j ale. From the 1st square to the 2nd is one octave. Oct is the Latin prefix for eight, so the 2nd square is eight notes above the 1st. To start with, play the scale only from the square on the 6th and end on the square on the 1st. Be sure to memorize where the roots (squares) are. In order to train and your ear and you brain, try stopping on each root as you play. You should do this with all scales. Play the scale going up and down keeping as steady of a beat as possible.

minor pentatonic

Minor pentatonic is the most common of all scales used in rock, blues as well as other styles. Penta means five, so the pentatonic scale only has five different notes before you are back to a root.


The blues scale is the minor pentatonic with an added note (in both octaves). The note that is added is sometimes referred to as the "blue note". This scale is used in blues, but it is also used in all styles of music. There is not a "heavy metal scale" or a "country scale", just a blues scale.


The minor scale requires a shift on the 3rd string only. Use your 1st, 2nd, and 4th fingers for the notes on the 3rd string. Stay in position for all of the other strings.

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Accesari: 1596
Apreciat: hand-up

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