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Bromium - Bromine Indicated in respiratory troubles, chiefly those affecting the larynx and trachea; especially adapted to children of fair, delicate complexion and scrofulous diathesis, subject to spasmodic cough


Bromium - Bromine

Indicated in respiratory troubles, chiefly those affecting the larynx and trachea; especially adapted to children of fair, delicate complexion and scrofulous diathesis, subject to spasmodic cough. In    croup; occasionally in asthma.

Coryza, with pressure at the root of the nose; nostrils raw and sore.

Great hoarseness.

Sensation of coldness when inspiring, provoking cough. Spasmodic cough, with rattling of mucus, without choking.

Oppression of the chest; difficult and painful breathing.

Worse in the early part of the night; in a warm room.

Better from exercise.

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