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Sanguinaria Canadensis - Bloodroot


Sanguinaria Canadensis - Bloodroot.

Indicated in catarrhal affections of the respiratory tract; nasal catarrh with pain over the root of the nose; laryngitis, croup, oedema of glottis 858e47i ; even in the cough of phthisis and pneumonia; in headaches from cold and in neuralgic pain in the head. Also in sore throats.

Headache with flushes of head and determination of blood to the head; circumscribed redness of the cheeks; vertigo.

Headache with dizziness and transitory sickness at the stomach, followed by uneasiness in the bowels and stool, affording relief.

Periodical headache (as every seventh day or at return of the climacteric), occipital or settling over the right eye, with gastric disturbance and vomiting, dizziness, shivering, etc.

Headache begins in the morning, getting worse during the day, wearing off in the evening and from sleep.

Throat feels sore, burnt, scalded; roof of mouth sore and scalded; rheumatic sore throat especially on the right side; ulcers in the throat. Great sense of dryness.

Cough dry, harsh, whistling (croup); with tickling in the throat pit; extending beneath the sternum; hoarseness; aphonia.

Expectoration tough, offensive, rust-colored.

Rheumatism of right shoulder and nape of neck; cannot raise the arm.

Worse from motion.

Better from sleep (headache), from darkness, from acids.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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