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Silicea - Silica


Silicea - Silica.

Indicated in conditions due to imperfect assimilation of food and to

innutrition. Frequently employed during the development of suppurative

processes, over which it has a marked influence, both in preventing

suppuration and in controlling excessive pus-formation and its

consequences. It is an antipsoric of far-reaching power, and as such

often proves of great efficacy in conditions which seem beyond its range

of action, as epilepsy. Its chief sphere of usefulness is in

suppurative processes, as abscesses, joint-disease, carbuncle;

scrofulous affections of the bone, rachitis, Pott's disease, necrosis, etc.; glandular affections; eczema and eruptions inclined to ulcerate; old, offensive catarrhs; all sorts of abscesses, as tonsilitis and hepatic abscesses; cough of phthisis, with very fetid expectoration; bronchorrhoea, especially of old people.

Coldness of the body, with moisture of the feet.

Head and neck wet from sweating, especially at night; likes to have them wrapped up.

Offensive sweating of hands, feet, axillae; rawness between the toes.

Sensation of a hair on the tongue.

Painless swelling of glands.

Tendency to suppuration of every little hurt.

Sensitiveness to cold air; shivers all over from slight cause.

Finger nails yellow, brittle, crumpled; ingrowing nails.

Hard cough when lying down, with expectoration of thick yellow lumps.

Copious expectoration of foul, muco-purulent matter.

Constipation before and during menses.

Difficult expulsion of soft stools; they seem to recede.

Leucorrhoea, milky, acrid, during urination.

Worse in the morning, from washing, from uncovering, when menstruating.

Better from warmth; from wrapping up the parts.

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