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A Review


A Review

1000 Funerals... a band that met it's tragic demise after one graven masterpiece. Even worse the demise was caused to the religious implications of a marriage. However, personal lives of the band member 13413n1322n s are not the target of this review. The music, in it's full suicidal glory, is what is to be discussed.

I should start by saying that this is an epic. An album that can be listened to over and over again, each time reveling in a new wave of misery and depressive atmosphere. It is the cutting edge of depressive funeral doom. An amazing album.

Instrumentally, it is quite primitive, but powerful at the same time. The music plays slow and harmoniously, allowing for a brooding atmosphere to become present and totally consume the listener. The guitars are slowed down to a near halt, grinding down in a wave of fury, allowing for the feeling of slow torture. The drums are slow and progressive, giving a feeling of hammers drumming to the beat of your decent into death. Vocals show up periodically through the release, complimenting the already agonizing feel of the piece with deep agonized growls.

This album is probably one of my new favorites in the world of suicidal funeral doom, being powerful, primitive, and beautiful all at once. This is a must have for anyone who can get a hold of this release.

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