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Rock Climbing


Rock Climbing

Come with us to Mt. Washington, El Capitan, Mt. Rainier, or Mt. Whitney. Mountain Jacques provides expert guides to ensure you have a safe and memorable climbing adventure in these incredible sites. 22222e417w

River Rafting & Kayaking

Whether you're looking for a one-day raft trip down the American River or a one-week camping and rafting trip down the Colorado, Mountain Jacques is the place for you. Mountain Jacques provides skilled guides and plenty of excitement for both beginners and experienced rafters and kayakers.

Skiing & Snowboarding

Join Mountain Jacques expert guides for fabulous snowriding trips to the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and South America. Pick up your skis and snowboards and come with us!

Mountain Biking

Bike down the ski slopes in summer and pedal wilderness trails anytime on our Mountain Jacques guided bike excursions.


From Acadia National Park to the Sierra Nevada, Echo Canyon to the Rocky Mountains, our excursions range from easy day hikes to one-week adventures that test your endurance.


The most beautiful sites are the least known. Mountain Jacques has the equipment and the experience to create an unforgettable adventure.

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