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Rock - Prog-Art, Blues-rock


A quirky detour of late-'60s British progressive/blues rock, Blodwyn Pig was founded by former Jethro Tull guitarist Mick Abrahams, who left Tull after the This Was album. Abrahams was joined by bassist Andy Pyle, drummer Ron Berg, and Jack Lancaster, who gave the outfit their most distinctive colorings via his saxophone and flute. On their two albums, they explored a jazz/blues/progressive style somewhat in the mold of (unsurprisingly) Jethro Tull, but with a lighter feel. They also bore some similarities to John Mayall's jazzy late-'60s versions of the Bluesbreakers, or perhaps Colosseum, but with more eclectic material. Both of their LPs made the British Top Ten, though the players' instrumental skills were handicapped by thin vocals and erratic (though oft-imaginative) material. The group were effectively finished by Abrahams' departure after 1970's Getting to This. They briefly reunited in the mid-'70s, and Abrahams was part of a different lineup that reformed in the late '80s; they have since issued a couple of albums in the 1990s.

Peter Banks states that this was the most enjoyable band he's been in. For the three months or so he was a member of Blodwyn Pig (or Blodwyn as they re-named themselves at this point) they performed around the UK and recorded some sessions for the BBC. However, Peter eventually left because of the musical differences which were too obvious to ignore. There were plans to record a new album and even tour America but nothing materialized. Also, nothing of this line-up has been officially released; however, audio recordings do exist, and there was talk a while back of Peter releasing something from his own archives.

Peter Banks Guitar

Ron Berg Drums

Jack Lancaster Saxophone

Andy Pyle Bass

Larry Wallis Vocals, Guitar

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