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SLAP! (1990)


Slap! (1990) 01-Ulrike You sometimes wonder and you sometimes wonder; ten thousand Deutschmarks to hand me over. O you sometimes wonder and you sometimes wonder - You can make a living "sometimes wondering". Don't think these bones can be sold when I'm long gone; Don't think that I should want to sell my soul for the Sundays. Don't wait for me to say I'm sorry - I won't! Who wants to be a Green MP? I don't! You sometimes wonder and you sometimes wonder; ten thousand Deutschmarks to hand me over. O you sometimes wonder and you sometimes wonder - You can make a living "sometimes wondering". Don't think I walked into banks to stand in the queue; Don't think I pressed up to the plexiglass just to talk to you. Don't wait for me to say I'm sorry - I won't! Who wants to be a Green MP? I don't! You sometimes wonder and you sometimes wonder; ten thousand Deutschmarks to hand me over. O you sometimes wonder and you sometimes wonder - You can make a living "sometimes wondering". 02-Tiananmen Square Heads bowed, eyes down, here comes the enemy To hail the people's victory - which people? What victory? It's the People's Army that murdered the people. They've come to glue the shattered, battered statue in the square. Heads bowed, eyes down, here comes the enemy - With a haircut and a trigger-finger that could be me. Tanks tearing a hole in the silence I've got armour-piercing rockets in my pocket: watch out! You must've seen it: the boy in the white shirt. You want to fight? Yeah, you and whose army? The people is bigger than the People's Army; My dad is bigger than your dad - and one day, one day ... Raw and angry in front of the enemy: So it's turn back or kill: boy versus tank. You want a fight? Yeah, you and whose army? Here soldier, have a watermelon - this'll cool you down! 03-Cartrouble Big tall courthouse, a clock upon the wall. A hammer on the table and a copper on the door, A judge in the front and a jury at the side A judge in the front and a jury at the side A judge in the front and a jury at the side And a bible on the stand to say I won't tell lies ... Well it's one o'clock, two o'clock, any old o'clock Between the rock & roll devil and the fear of God. Big brotherly love runs shallow as skin in the deep south of America. "Can the lady take the stand now? Blah blah blah - And how comes a black woman drives her own car? And what gives you the constitutional right And what gives you the constitutional right And what gives you the constitutional right To drive a car through a junction on a red stop light?" Well it's one o'clock, two o'clock, any old o'clock Between the rock & roll devil and the fear of God. Big brotherly love runs shallow as skin in the deep south of Yorkshire. Well of course I drove the car through the red stop light - But well, I thought that law was just for whites! I say, "I saw the white folks drive through on green I say, "I saw the white folks drive through on green I say, "I saw the white folks drive through on green So when the red light flashed I thought: this must be for me!" Well it's one o'clock, two o'clock, any old o'clock - Just a fear of the people with a fear of God. Lancashire white girl tries to sing the blues: well I woke up this morning like I usually do. 04-Chase PC's Flee Attack By Own Dog Got my photograph taken with Elvis. Circled round the earth in a rocket ship; Found the World Cup in a garden. I must've saved a million drowning babies ... You can imagine what a come-down: Drug-busts and house fires. I didn't orbit the earth to be bossed around By someone wearing flares! I ain't nothing I ain't nothing I ain't nothing but a hound dog ... I ain't nothing I ain't nothing I ain't nothing but a hound dog ... I ain't nothing I ain't nothing I ain't nothing ... 05-Rubens Has Been Shot! O x(Christ)mas tree, O x(Christ)mas tree: how bent your branches seem to be! 1921 and all's well. Another fifteen years and we'll be laughing in hell. One bullet straight through the heart; Rubens caught a ricochet, Durer's lady cried today. Cracked old masters up against the wall - Blue faced Wendy Woolworth: she's seen it all. Housepainter, housepainter, Hanging your swastika wallpaper. Rows of pretty cabbageheads to gobble up your words, Laughing along to your blah, blah, blah. 06-Rappoport's Testament: I Never Gave Up And if you survive me, I Never gave up Tell them this: I Never gave up And if you survive me, I Never gave up Tell them this: Almost as if I were planning ahead, I drank, I ate, I made love. I learnt to snatch whatever I could; I never asked for pity and I never gave up. And if you survive me, I Never gave up Tell them this: I Never gave up And if you survive me, I Never gave up Tell them this: Twenty months I kept accounts, And in the end they'll balance out. Sometimes I vomit happy memories - Sometimes I laugh out loud just to crack my face. And if you survive me, I Never gave up Tell them this: I Never gave up And if you survive me, I Never gave up Tell them this: And if I meet Hitler in the other place I'll spit this precious soup in his face. And all my accounts will be settled, you see: 'Cause Hitler never ever got the better of me. And if you survive me, I Never gave up Tell them this: I Never gave up And if you survive me, I Never gave up Tell them this: I never gave up - I never gave up. I crawled in the mud but I never gave up (repeat) 07-Slap! Fleet Street fell in love - But the girl proved hard to get. Slap! Took a seat at the Old Boy's Club, But wouldn't share the bed. Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Cuppas for the troops; Slap! Bubbly-gum and wire. Slap! Trojan horses, Black & Tans: Slap! They're running for their lives! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Royals came to call. Slap! "Mr Paisley - save her soul!" Slap! Heaven: here's the naughty girl Slap! Who wouldn't say her prayers. Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Bloody Monday morning: Slap! The rat who did the talking. Slap! Here's Ginger to the rescue - Slap! Take that! And that! Slap! Take that! And that! Slap! Take that! And that! Slap! Take that! And that! Slap! Take that! And that! Slap! 08-That's How Grateful We Are OK, lay some drums on me Gimme some bass Working in a forge, black lungs, burnt skin, Callouses, arched back; hammering, hammering. Stalin watching over us: Pigeonshithead. We'd spit on the floor at this redbastard God. That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! Bronze statue, pink marble - built to last ... We brought him to his knees in a single night. And the boots that remained, I attacked, I attacked - Hammering, hammering: the past is past. That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! And the noise rang out: metal on metal. Pigeons flit, dust settled. Out from the shadows we took to the streets - David chopping at the giant's feet. That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! Take it right down You still want to come? Too late, too late ... We're cut and we're fallen like harvested wheat. But we lived on our feet, at least, at last! And we will live on our feet, at least, at last. That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! That's how grateful we are! You still want to come? Too late, too late ... We're cut and we're fallen like harvested wheat. But we lived on our feet, at least, at last! And we will live on our feet, at least, at last. That's how grateful we are! (repeat) 09-Meinhof

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