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Vaya con dios albums


Vaya con dios albums

1.Roots And Wings-1995

2Night Owls-1990

3.Time Flies -1993

4.What's A Woman-1998

5.The Best Of-1996

6.Vaya Con Dios-1988 21321q1624v


1.Nah Neh Nah-------- ----- ------ --

2.Far Gone Now-------- ----- ------ ---------

3.Sunny Days-------- ----- ------ ------------

4.Sally-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----------

5.Somethings Got A Hold On Me

6.I Don't Want To Know----- ----- --------- ----- -------

7.Whats A Woman-------- ----- ------ -------

8.Night Owls-------- ----- ------ ------------

9.Pack Your Memories-------- ----- ------

10.With You

11.Traveling Light

12.Quand Elle Rit Aux Eclats----- ----- ---------------


1.Time Flies

2.Forever Blue-------- ----- ------ --

3.Farewell Song

4.So Long Ago-------- ----- ------ --

5.Still A Man

6.Heading For A Fall

7.Mothers And Daughters

8.Listen-------- ----- ------ ----------

9.Bold And Untrue----- ----- --------- ----- -----

10.Muddy Waters----- ----- --------- ----- ------

11.For You-------- ----- ------ -----

12.Brave Jane

13.At The Parallel


1.What Will Come Of This-------- ----- ------ ---

2.Whats A Woman-------- ----- ------ ----

3.Lord Help Me Please

4.Lulus Song-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------

5.One Silver Dollar-------- ----- ------ ----------

6.Far Gone Now-------- ----- ------ -------------

7.Philadelphia-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------

8.Pack Your Memories-------- ----- ------ -----

9.Travelling Light

10.Forever Blue-------- ----- ------ -------------

11.Still A Man-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----

12.Farewell Song-------- ----- ------ ----------

13.Hot August Night-------- ----- ------ -------

14.Call On Me

15.Get To You-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----

16.Moving On

17.Paradise-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- --------


1.Dont Cry For Louie-------- ----- ------ ----

2.Just A Friend Of Mine-------- ----- ------ ---

3.Puerto Rico-------- ----- ------ ------------

4.Johnny-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----------

5.Somethings Got A Hold On Me----- ----- -------------

6.Nah Neh Nah-------- ----- ------ -------

7.I Don't Want To Know-------- ----- ------ --

8.Whats A Woman-------- ----- ------ ---

9.Time Flies-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----

10.Farewell Song-------- ----- ------ -------

11.Heading For A Fall----- ----- --------- ----- --------

12.At The Parallel-------- ----- ------ ---

13.Dont Break My Heart-------- ----- ------ -

14.Stay With Me-------- ----- ------ --------

15.Lonely Felling-------- ----- ------ ---------

16.Evening Of Love-------- ----- ------


-I Sold My Soul

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