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The daily menu


The daily menu

The daily menu should be carefully planned. You should select foods wisely in order to eat well-balanced meals which are low in cholesterol, sodium and calories. The menu 252h74c presented below is an example of how simple (and tasty!) it is to eat healthily.





a cup of low-fat yoghurt mixed with some fresh berries (strawberries, raspberries or blueberries)

. a piece of wholemeal bread with a teaspoon of marmalade or a slice of lean ham

. herbal tea or coffee

a chicken sandwich

. "health salad": iceberg lettuce with sliced cucumber, tomato, a few radishes and olives, topped with low-fat oil-vinegar-lemon dressing

. ice tea or mineral water

. a cup of tomato soup

. a piece of roast turkey breast

. two medium-sized potatoes, boiled and mashed

. tossed salad: celery, carrots and red cabbage

. a glass of dry red wine

. three or four oatmeal-raisin cakes

. one fresh peach

. a cheese and tomato roll

. a cup of skimmed milk

the daily menu - dzienny jadłospis

well-balanced - dobrze zrównoważone

meal - posiłek

sodium - sód

calories - kalorie

tasty - smaczny

breakfast - śniadanie

Iow-fat - niskotłuszczowy

fresh - świeży

strawberries - truskawki

raspberries - maliny

blueberries - jagody

wholemeal bread - razowy chleb

teaspoon - łyżeczka (do herbaty)

slice - plasterek

tean ham - chuda szynka

herbal tea - ziołowa herbata

chicken sandwich - kanapka z kurczakiem

health salad - surówka zdrowia

iceberg lettuce - lodowa sałata

sliced - pokrojony w plasterki

cucumber - ogórek

tomato - pomidor

radish - rzodkiewka

olives - oliwki

topped with - z dodatkiem

oil - oliwa, olej

vinegar - ocet

lemon - cytryna

soup - zupa

roast - pieczony

turkey breast - pierś z indyka

medium-sized - średniej wielkości

potatoes - ziemniaki

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Apreciat: hand-up

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