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The first Wine we are presenting is VEUVE CLICQUOT


The first Wine we are presenting is VEUVE CLICQUOT

One of the best known and popular CHAMPAGNE.

Established in 1772 by Philiphe Clicquot , he pass it to his son Francois Clicquot that died very young leaving his wife 28 year old BARNE NICOLE PONSARIN in charge of the busin 949r173j ess. It remained a family affair until the 60's when it became a corporation. TRADE MARK Orange colored Label.

CHAMPAGNE IS SPARKLING WINE Sparkling wine that comes only from CHAMPAGNE region Northern part of France about 90 miles north of Paris and covers around 85 000 acres of vineyards

There is now Sparkling wine in almost all wine producing countries still CHAMPAGNE'S SPARKLING remains the most special and expansive. Why?? It is where it started. Because of its clime, soil, the grapes used and off course the wine maker.

The Soil chalk/Limestone rich in fossils and minerals contributes to the wine's flavor.

The Grapes used: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier.

The Clime- being so far north in France the cold whether do not always let the grapes to ripen and unripe grapes tend to be high in acid and with less developed flavors what happens to be just the perfect formula for sparkling wines.

And another important factor - wine maker-

Sparkling wine is wine that undergoes second fermentation. During this second fermentation CO2 is trapped in the wine making it sparkle.

In CHAMPAGNE they use the method CHAMPAGNOIS where the second fermentation is done individually inside each bottle.

The chef the cave prepares the cuvee that is a mixture of different grapes, different wines, and different vintages. The cuvee is bottled adding sugar and special yeasts closed with a temporary cap. Starting the second fermentation. Then the bottles are put in racks called "pupitres" and will stay there from 15 months up to ten years. !5 months for house champagne, 3 years for vintage and 8 years for prestige cuvee. The wine gains bouquet and flavor during this time that spends with the yeast cells inside the bottle. During this period wines are rotated and twisted until they are upside down so all the yeast sediment will be in the bottle's neck. Then they freeze the neck of the bottle and release the temporary cap so all the frozen sediment will pop out leaving behind clear sparkling wine. Then the wine maker does his final touch adding more of less sugar, more or less cuvee making the sparkling wine EXTRA BRUT , BRUT, DEMI-SEC.DOUX . Depending on what is type is making from very dry to sweet.

Appearance:   Fine Bubbles

Color:  Greenish, Yellow pale a bit of gold.

Aromas:  Grass, Citrus, peach, almond.

Palate:   Fresh Acid Flavors

12% Alcohol   BIN# 3 $50

Rich elegant champagne.

Paring CHAMPAGNE WITH FOOD it will go very well with anything from the Appetizer to Dessert.

However Chocolate, Strawberries and Caviar and classic matches for champagne.

CHAMPAGNE IS synonymous of Joy, Happiness, extravaganza, Festivity,


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