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Dmitriy Bazanov


Dmitriy Bazanov was born in 1978 in Moscow. In 2003 he graduated
from Russian Academy of Music named after Gnessins. Laureate of conductor's
competition IX Moscow International Choral Child's festival═ Moscow
sounds-2006. Under guidance of Dmitriy Bazanov Child's Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments═ Radost'═ became the possessor of main prize of Moscow
government and department of education named "Girl on a ball" - for
high professionalism and contribution to development of child's
creation. In October, 2006, Dmitriy Bazanov became the laureate of
competition "Grant of Moscow" in area of sciences and technologies in
sphere of education.

All serious musical appearances are accessible to child's
understanding. Using not thought, but fantasy, they are able to
imagine any picture extraordinarily expressly and to feel deeply hidden
emotional implications. Spontaneity and simplicity of expression which
children have allows them to take to the listener complete
gamut of senses and sincere feelings, contained in music. From the
aesthetic point of view child's execution is not better and not worse than
the grown-up man's; it is different. Moreover, comparison is impossible because
it is impossible expressly to define a═ verge, a═ balance, in which are
actor trade and elemental expression of emotions, following the project
of composer and own vision at execution of musical play.
This disk consists of ten works the melodies of which are
well-known and
became the classics of Russian and foreign music. The program can seem diverse, as the music pieces are different. It is a part of disk conception: we have the aim to show child's perception of
music from different sides. Popularity of works allows to expose the
brightness of execution with greater evidentness.═ The eyes of a child,
are unlike the eyes of a grown-up man, they are not accustomed, they
are surprised, they can see,═ - this the remark of the Norwegian writer
Yukhan Borgen can serve epigraph to our disk.

I admire the high quality of playing. Harmony and noble
sounding of the═ Radost'═ orchestra testify to good job of conductor
and high level of young artists .
Professor of the Moscow Tchaikovsky conservatory Vladimir Ponkin

Child's orchestra of the Russian folk instruments═ Radost'═ inherits
traditions of professional folk collectives, ascending to the founders
of first from them - Vassiliy Andreev and Boris Troyanovskiy. Teachers of
orchestra are graduating students of Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory and Russian
Academy of Music named after Gnessins.
For ten years of existence the orchestra became the possessor of many
rewards. Annually it becomes the laureate of festival═ Young talents of
Moscovia In a 2000 orchestra became a laureate of International
Festival of Folk Orchestras (Lithuania, Vilnius); in 2004 -
International Competition of Folk Orchestras of "Orpheus's source"
(Bulgaria, Sofia). In 2006 Child's orchestra of the Russian folk
instrumentsRadost'═ got a rank "the Exemplary collective"

Текст под девочкой "Главный приз департамента города Москвы "Девочка на шаре"

Main prize (by) of Moscow
government and department of education named "Girl on a ball" - for
high professionalism and contribution to development of child's

Оркестр русских народных инструментов "Радость" выражает благодарность:

фирме "Господин музыкант" (и лично генеральному директору

Тел. (495)739-6226,

Особая благодарность администрации МХШ "Радость", директору Татьяне Ждановой,

The Russian folk instruments orchestra «Radost'» expresses gratitude:
to firm " Mister the musician " (www.
and personally to general director Dmitry Babichenko for granting.
To firm AMS - Music(Covers and cases for musical instruments);
to the master of Russian folk instruments Boris Ossipov;
to the State Central museum of musical culture named after M.I.Glinka
for assistance in the organization of concerts
125047, Moscow, Fadeeva str.
(495) 739-6226,

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