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Determinism: accepting all behavior, thoughts, and feelings as being the inevitable--lawful--outcome of complex psychological laws describing cause and effect relationships in human behavior. Understanding the causes of any behavior helps us accept it.

The ideas of free will, determinism, personal choice, moral responsibility, and scientific prediction are old ideas, but in this century they have not been discussed seriously. Too bad, because we need a much clearer view of reality. Sappington (1990) believes some interest is being revived. He believes free will can be compatible with science. So do I.

A recent publication by Bruce Waller (1999) is a clear, readable, convincing discussion of "will power" and the sense of personal responsibility that accompanies the notions of personal freedom and choice. Free will, as most people think of it, is a term describing the vague, mysterious process by which we come to some decision about what to do or think. While we have no way to see how our mind comes to any given decision, in the case of "free will" it does seem to us as though decision-making, while guided by some of our thoughts, is a rather autonomous and sometimes almost magical process. "Our" decisions certainly seem to come out of our head and often seem only distantly connected to outside or historical causes or influences. No wonder choices and decisions are assumed to be our responsibility. But the question is: Are we totally responsible or are many complex uncontrollable and often unknown factors--inside and outside of us--involved with what merely seem to be our "free choices?"

Waller says one reason for a culture keeping the concept 141d311b of "free will," a common notion which has never been scientifically explained, is so society (and each of us) can hold the actor "morally responsible" for his/her actions. Our system of punitive control of bad behavior is mostly built on this assumption. We think: the murderer deserves to die. The rapist should be severely punished. The drug dealer and chronic criminal should just be locked up, perhaps forever.

Moreover, we think the person who doesn't "help himself" deserves what he gets. The drunk who refuses treatment is responsible for his behavior; he is "weak willed" or wants to drink and fall in the gutter. The 15-year-old girl who becomes promiscuous and then pregnant "should have known better" and deserves to be a poor, uneducated, ostracized mother. The abused woman, who knows there is shelter and help available but stays with her abuser, is "making her own choice" and is "morally responsible" for her own pitiful condition. The unmotivated worker or student is "lazy" and has to assume responsibility for his/her being fired or failed. They are getting their "just rewards." The anxious person who has lots of physical problems the doctor can't understand is "neurotic" or "sick" or "crazy" or "all messed up." Even the psychotic homeless person sleeping under cardboard on the street is assumed to be to blame for his/her condition, at least "no one else is to blame!" Our explanatory labels given to these people convey no deep understanding of the origin of their problems. Our thinking simply uses "free will" to blame the victims.

Waller also points out that many Behaviorists believe that "free will" and "moral responsibility" are intellectual cop outs, i.e. convenient and easy excuses for not looking deeper into the person's history--the environmental causes--for understanding. Why would we do that? If we can pin the responsibility on the victim, we can quickly dismiss the importance of unequal education, wealth, health, trauma, child care, social-family conditions, etc. If the immoral, addicted, criminal, incompetent, emotionally upset, and psychologically disturbed are "responsible," then why bother with exploring their history/environment/thought processes to understand what has happened to them? Sounds like a mind-set to prolong ignorance to me.

Although society assigns undue responsibility to the actor (often a victim), relatively little research has been supported to enhance the control an individual might have over his/her behavior. As discussed in chapter 1, how many schools or colleges offer courses in self-direction or self-control or self-help? These skills could be taught to everyone. But once we start thinking in terms of teaching coping skills, the concept of "free will" loses some of its power to blame the actor. This is because as we teach self-control to others it becomes more and more obvious that outside-the-actor factors (environmental, educational, and historical) have influenced how every human being behaves. Consequently, assigning "moral responsibility" exclusively to the individual becomes harder and harder to do.

Research has studied why some people are industrious and others are lethargic. The results included interesting concepts: "learned industriousness" and "learned helplessness." These traits turn out to be clearly the outcome of the individual's reinforcement history, often occurring in early childhood, and not the result of some innate trait, not just a character flaw, not intentional decisions, and not "free will." The lethargic ("lazy") or oppositional ("argumentative") person is certainly not "morally responsible" for how he/she was rewarded and dealt with as a child.

In short, the evidence is weak for the belief that "free will" is largely responsible for what we do. If we don't have "free will," then we aren't totally "morally responsible" for what we do (but maybe we are partly responsible). Similarly, we should question the beliefs in a "just world," that everyone gets his/her "just deserts," and that everyone has access to a level playing field. All these beliefs may be convenient delusions for the advantaged and the successful, who want to avoid responsibility for making it a better world.

Waller's article focused primarily on the philosophical and social justice implications of believing in "free will." While that is very important for a society, my focus in this section is on the personal use of thinking as a determinist in terms of self-acceptance and tolerance of others.

Everything has its causes. Things don't happen by magic. According to determinism, there is nothing that "just happens," no "accidents" without a cause, no arbitrary divine intervention (or, at least, very rarely), no unavoidable fate, no mystical "free will" and no predetermined destiny. Furthermore, all events or actions are lawful, i.e. based on universal, ever present cause and effect relationships between antecedents (the past) and outcomes (the present). Gravitational pull is lawful, as is a rocket engine to counteract gravity. There are reasons, i.e. it is expected or "lawful," for an acorn to become an oak, not a pine tree. Likewise, in human behavior, it is predictable, presumably based on complex "laws," that most people will seek love, that behavior followed immediately by a reward tends to be repeated (called the law of effect), that frustration arouses a response (aggression, assertiveness, passive-aggressiveness or whatever), that unpleasant experiences tend to be repressed or suppressed, that negative self-evaluations are related to low self-esteem, that most humans can learn, with knowledge and training, to control their future to some extent, etc. Thus, life is "lawful."

All scientific efforts attempt to discover and understand "laws"--basic dependable cause and effect relationships. If there were no order (laws) in the universe, then there would be nothing to learn (except that nothing is stable and, thus, understandable). The opposite seems to be true; every event has a cause and this cause-effect connection is potentially understandable. I'm not saying we scientists understand everything right now (far from it) nor that we will eventually be able to predict all behavior. That's nonsense. Yet, I have a belief that we will be able to understand and control many of our own behaviors in 1000 years. It is our doubts about this matter that causes our reluctance to earnestly search for and use scientific knowledge about the laws of human behavior. Our ignorance about behavior keeps us preparing for and fighting wars; suffering hunger, preventable illness, and ignorance; making poor choices about careers, marriage partners, child rearing; having many avoidable emotional problems; etc. In short, discovering "laws" through wisdom and science, and using laws to improve the human condition is, I believe, the great hope for the future. Knowing psychological laws does not require us to be super smart; it is just understanding what's happening.

Much human behavior is unquestionably very complex, but it is reasonable to assume that all behavior is potentially understandable, i.e. a consistent, logical, to-be-expected outcome resulting from many causes. One way of looking at this is to say, "If I knew all the laws that are influencing your behavior, I would understand you perfectly. I would see that given your genes and physical condition, given the effects of past events and your memory (perhaps distorted) of past experiences, and given your view of the present situation, I would do exactly what you are doing, no matter how saintly or how evil. " If true, that is an awesome statement or belief.

If a person can learn to think this way, i.e. that all human feelings and actions are caused by psychological laws, then all behavior becomes, in a sense, "acceptable" because it is, at the moment, unavoidably lawful. The truth is everything is lawful, so far as science knows. Thus, all behavior, your's and everyone's, is the natural, inevitable outcome of the existing causes. No other outcome was possible given the circumstances (causes and laws). Such an attitude leads logically to tolerance of yourself and others --of all that has happened in the past. Moreover, a deterministic orientation offers hope that scientists and other careful observers, including you, will discover more and more useful knowledge ("laws") for changing the future. Accept yesterday, influence tomorrow.

A great deal of benefit can result from analyzing in depth the causes of some action--called causal attribution--and/or from changing one's views of the causes. Examples: rape victims can be helped to see the situation realistically and press charges, interpersonal conflicts can be reduced easier if the reasons for each side's position are understood, fighting couples can benefit from seeing the causes as external and temporary (not because the partner is an incurable jerk), and self-esteem can be raised if one can learn to feel personally responsible for many successes, capable of improving, and not responsible for all our failures (Baron & Byrne, 1987).

Determinism has been mentioned already in "the helping philosophy" in chapter 3, in the section on overcoming guilt in chapter 6, and briefly in the list of methods for reducing anger in chapter 7. Changing how one explains one's failures is important in coping with depression (chapter 6) and a poor self-concept (method #1 above).


  • The last method helped us recognize our irrational thinking. Determinism is rational thinking, which can be used to replace harmful irrational ideas. Determinism replaces "awfulizing" and "musturbation" (see method #3). Understanding the causes of any upsetting event is a big step towards accepting and adjusting to that event.
  • Most of us have pet peeves--different kinds of behaviors, attitudes, personalities, and circumstances that bother or upset us. Many of us are deeply disturbed by how we were treated by parents, siblings, peers, bosses, etc. Adopting a deterministic attitude or philosophy will help us accept everything that has happened--it was lawful, not awful. You may, of course, be able to change some things in the future, but whatever occurs, in the past or future for good or bad, is lawful.
  • Most of us don't like some things about ourselves, as discussed in method #1 above. Understanding and accepting that there were causes for whatever we have done should reduce excessive guilt (or pride) or self-criticism, without reducing our drive to do better in the future. Moreover, developing a self-accepting way of thinking (credit for the good, less fault for the bad) can help raise low self-esteem.
  • Viewing behavior in this deterministic way may make it crystal clear to everyone that useful knowledge or laws based on careful observations are needed to solve many problems. That may be the first step towards becoming a successful self-helper (and a truly rational or civilized science-oriented society).

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