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Why men don't think like women?


Why men don't think like women?'s because women are on higher step on the evolution scale then men: they have less hair, smaller bodies and they don't use physical fight as a form of expression.

Or maybe it's all because Mendel's laws: everyone has either an XX chromosome combination, or an XY combination. The X given to you by your father, is what tells your sex body to develop female sex organs.The Y tells your body to develop testes. Within about 5 days of finding the magic combination, very different hormones begin to influence the development of our brain. Very soon after conception, the fetus develops either a "female brain" or a "male brain" because it is being influenced by "female hormones" or "male hormones". That is why the male brain is often better at completing certain spatial tasks (driving for example) and that men are typically better at mathematical reasoning than women. Also, we know that the females excels over the male at certain verbal tasks- particularly verbal fluency and articulation. Often, they are also better than the male at fine manual skills (is this why women typically have better handwriting than men), and faster at matching two identical images.

Also, looking back, al our ancestors, we see that men were responsible for hunting, defending the group against enemies and using weapons. Women gathered food near the home base, prepared food and clothing, and cared for small children. Such specialization was able to put different selection pressures on men and women and they're way of thinking.

I don't think you can generalise about men and women and they're way of thinking, or to find one single reason responsible for so many differences, but, if u really want it short, I see it as: women eat curry if they like it, men eat curry to prove they can.

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