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A la Boeuf Salad


A la Boeuf Salad

Potatoes 1kg

Beef meet 500g

Carrots 300g

Green pea 300g

Pickled cucumbers 300g

Mayonnaise 350g

Mustard 40g


Salt and pepper

Chopped green parsley

I boil the beef meet in water with salt, than I cut it in small cubes. I boil the potatoes and carrots and we cut in small cubes. I cut the pickled cucumbers in small cubes. I mix the meet, the potatoes, carrots, pickled cucumbers with mayonnaise, mustard, olives, salt and pepper. I decorate the salad with mayonnaise, green parsley, bell peppers and olives.

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Accesari: 562
Apreciat: hand-up

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