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Barbados Seasonin'


Barbados Seasonin'

1 ea Head of garlic, 10-12 cloves 1 ea Bunch parsley, chopped

1 ea Onion, coarsely chopped -1 tablespoon dried

3 ea Chive bunches, chopped 1 ea Bunch thyme, chopped

1 ea Bell pepper, chopped -1 tablespoon dried

1/2 ea Red bell pepper, chopped 1 ea Bunch Marjoram, chopped

1 ea Celery stalk - tablespoon dried

1 ea Habanero peppers 1/2 c Lime juice

-More to taste, seeded

Coarsely puree the garlic, onion, bell peppers, celery, chili peppers,

chives, herbs and lime juice in a food processor or blender. Correct the

seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. Add lime juice.

This can be rubbed under the skin of a whole chicken, left to rest in the

refrigerator for 12-24 hours then roasted. It can also be used to marinate

pork, fish or shrimp.

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