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Charred Shark Tacos with Mint Recado


Charred Shark Tacos with Mint Recado

3 shark fillet, 1 inch thick
5 chipotle chiles, seeded and deveined
1 teaspoon chili powder (5ml)
1 tablespoon of oregano (15ml)
1 ½ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons lime 636v212g zest
¼ cup olive oil (60ml)
4 tablespoons diced radish (60ml)
4 tablespoons thinly sliced scallion, white and green parts (60ml)
4 small pitas, heated

In a blender puree the chipolte, chili powder, oregano, salt, lime zest and olive oil.

Place fish in a resealable plastic bag, pour mixture over fish and place in the refrigerator. Let marinate for 1 hour.

Preheat the barbecue to medium high heat 375°F/190°C.

Oil the grill and cook the fish for 3-4 per side, or until lightly charred.
Let shark rest 5 minutes and slice thin.

Serve in a pita with scallions, radish and Mint Recado.

Mint Recado
1 medium white onion, finely chopped
40 fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
½ cup fresh cilantro leaves, finely chopped (125ml)
2 teaspoons kosher salt (10ml)
2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper (10ml)
8 whole allspice, freshly ground

Combine onion, mint leaves and cilantro leaves into a bowl or puree in a food processor.
Mix in salt, pepper and all spice. Use immediately.

Yield: 8 burgers

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Accesari: 809
Apreciat: hand-up

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