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8 ears of fresh corn on the cob husks on, silks removed

Cajun Butter
1 pound of unsalted room temperature butter (454g)
1 tablespoon cayenne (15ml)
2 teaspoons salt (10ml)
1 tablespoon crushed hot red 14314g610o pepper (15ml)
1 tablespoon dried thyme (15ml)
1 tablespoon dried basil (15ml)
1 teaspoon dried oregano (5ml)
2 tablespoons minced fresh garlic (30ml)
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce (30ml)

Carefully remove silks from cornhusks, keeping the husks intact.

Place corncobs with silks removed in a large pot of cold water. The corn should be completely submerged in water. Let corn soak for 1 hour.

In a medium bowl using a spatula cream together all ingredients for Cajun Butter. Ensure your butter is at room temperature for even distribution of spices.

Remove corn from water and shake off any excess moisture.

Pull back husks gently on the corn and using your hands smear butter over corn. Close the husks back to surround the corn. Place on large baking tray.

Prepare barbeque for indirect heat. Preheat one side of barbeque to 275°F/135°C or low temperature.

Place cornhusks on the side of barbeque with no direct heat. Close lid and let corn cook for 30 -35 minutes. The corn kernels will turn a bright yellow and the butter will be fully absorbed into the flesh of the corn. Remove from grill, and serve immediately.

Yield: 8 cobs of corn

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Accesari: 854
Apreciat: hand-up

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