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Stuffed Grilled Tomatoes


Stuffed Grilled Tomatoes

1 cup soft fresh goat cheese(250ml)
¼ cup sliced green onions(60ml)
1 tablespoon sage roughly chopped(15ml)
¼ cup chives, chopped into 1" pieces(60ml)
1 shallot, minced
8 medium firm tomatoes
salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon olive oil(15ml)

Cut cone like openings in the top of the tomatoes making a 1 ½ inch round pocket.

Roll fresh sage and chop it into a bowl. Add goat cheese, salt and pepper and mix to combine. Spoon cheese mixture into tomatoes and place on baking sheet ready for the grill.

Place stuffed tomatoes on a perforated oiled grill rack. Drizzle with oil and salt and pepper.

Prepare the barbecue for direct grilling. Preheat to medium heat, oil the grill and add the tomatoes. Close the BBQ lid and allow to cook for 8 minutes or until cheese is warm and tomatoes have softened. Remove from grill and plate with salad greens.

Yields: 8 stuffed tomatoes

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Apreciat: hand-up

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