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Do you agree with the idea that children should be raised by their grandparetns?Why yes/no?


2.Do you agree with the idea that children should be raised by their grandparetns?Why yes/no?

During the past decade, several studies have been published that investigated the social, emotional, and physical functioning of grandparents raising their grandchildren. Research suggests grandparents 24124x2318y in these families experience high levels of stress and psychosocial difficulty. In addition, the available data suggest children raised by their grandparents often encounter behavioral, emotional, and academic problems at school. The problems they experience indicate these children require intervention assistance from psychologists, school counselors, and other school professionals. This paper provides a brief report of the phenomenon, particularly as it relates to the grandchildren's school-related functioning. Practical and theory-based interventions are described to improve the educational and developmental outcomes of these grandchildren.

Many grandparents in this care taking role underestimate or are unaware of the added burdens their new role as 'parents' will place upon them. Grandparents often assume their role will be to nurture and reward children without having to set limits. When grandparents serve as parents, however, they must learn to set limits and establish controls as they did with their own children.

In my opinion children should be raised by their parents. Grandparents should not be the primary care giver unless something happens that puts them in that situation.Grandparents offer too much protection to their grandchildren and this may affect the development of the children's independence and self-confidence and may contribute to their dependence on others. The traditional thoughts and some out-of-date concepts held by the grandparents may also affect the spirit of innovation and creativity of their grandchildren.

The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is often a very special one but for a growing number of grandparents, grandparenting really means parenting a second family. Grandparents no longer have the luxury of sending the children home after a weekend visit, because they are assuming the responsibility of raising the grandchildren. Parents should give more responsability for educating their children despite their hard work. No matter how busy they are at work, the parents should devote more time and love to their children to get well informed of their physical and psychological growth. Only by doing so, their children can grow healthy in the rain of love.

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