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The Elements


The Elements

A Basic Overview

By: Keitha (FireWind)
Posted: Jan.19th/99

Earth:Is usually associated with the cardinal direction of North This is the quarter of strength, stability, courage, slow change, and sometimes cold. Over time, I have also found it to represent personal involvement, family ties, determination, and the passage of time. I have found it a good element to rely on when feeling 'ungrounded': when things seem a little bit out of control. It is also helpful if you are trying to see something through to completion. Earth is usually associated with the color Green, or Brown. It is sometimes associated with Crone Goddesses. It is located on the pentacle at the bottom left point. The element of Earth is sometimes depicted as a triangle facing point down, with a line horizontally through the midde.

Air:Is usually associated with the cardinal direction of East. This is the quarter of intelligence, changability, and other matters of the mind. I don't work a lot with this element, but I have found it good for improving memory, and finding solutions to problems. Air is usually associated with the color Yellow. It is located on the pentacle at the top left point. The element of Air is sometimes depicted as a triangle facing point up with a line horizontally through the middle.

Fire: Is usually associated with the cardinal direction of South. This is the quarter of passion, energy, and light. I have also found it to represent love, sex, freedom, joy, hate, independence, and purity. Fire is excellent for cleansing yourself of unwanted emotions. It is also good for bringing out your innate joy in life, and passion for living. Fire is usually associated with the color red. It is sometimes associated with Maiden, or Virgin Goddesses. It is located on the pentacle at the bottom right point. The element of Fire is sometimes depicted as a triangle facing point up.

Water: Is usually associated with the cardinal direction of West. This is the quarter of emotion, intuition, and 'oneness'. I have also found it good for feeling your connection to the 'All', and to others. It is excellent when looking within yourself to see the ebbs and flows of your mind, and can help you receive inspiration. Water is usually associated with the color blue. It is sometimes associated with Mother Goddesses. It is located on the pentacle at the top right point. The element of Water is sometimes depicted as a triangle facing point down.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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