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2 children should be raised by their grandparents


2 children should be raised by their grandparents

I love my grandparents, I think they are absolutely amazing, but I like being raised by my parents, and although my grandparents might be my next choice, and I know they would always be there if I needed them, my parents are amazing parents. I like being raised by them.

I believe that all children should be raised by their parents if their parents are capable of doing so.

Grandparents who raise their grandchildren can provide a loving, familial home environment that is more positive than a foster care or other such governmental arrangement. Nonetheless, raising children is difficult for grandparents during what should be their golden years.

The numbers of grandparents who become surrogate parents to their grandchildren are increasing substantially

3 Damage of the environment is an inevitable conse 848q165i quence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living

I think the technological basis for improved standards of living is causes environmental damage

for thousands of years , people hunted, fished and farmed the land for food;
- they used plants to make cloth, paper, dyes, and medicines;
- they made tools and weapons from stone and metals;
- in time, they invented machines which were driven by water;
- later, people learned how to power them with fuel, like coal, gas or oil;
- they put up factories where numerous products could be made ( such as new types of clothing, furniture and machines );
- and they built power stations to provide factories and homes with electricity;
- all these activities have been called improvements in the standard of our living;

-for a long time, no one realized that these improvements of our living were harming the earth

-we may not be able to change the world alone, but we can each make small positive changes and together we can make a difference.

Very soon I hope the world will be again a green planet, like it was before the industry appeared, and the air we breathe will be truly clear.

-we should plant more trees

-ecology should be a compulsory subject at school

-we should save as much paper as possible; thus saving as much plant life as possible

4 Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in?

Small towns and big cities both have their good sides, but i'd rather live in a big city because of the unlimited choices of things you can do here no matter what you are in the mood for .There is always a lot to do and visit.
Living in a big city is more comfortable because there are cinemas ,theaters, museums, shops on every corner, malls, entertainment attractions, lots of pubs and restaurants to choose.There are a lot of possibilities of shopping. In various shopping centres and galleries you can buy whatever you want. Any new products which come in market, from electronic items to even a simple pen, are instantly available in the big cities as soon as the products are launched.
The standard of education is also very high in cities.The easy availability of technology and modern teaching methods may also be one of the reasons for this. Schools are incomparable with those in a smal town. People, especially young have many oportunities and it's also much easier to find a well paid job .Teenagers can receive a good education in big cities. The first point is that many universities have different subjects. As a result, students can have more choices for their future careers and secondly, a good environment for study is also given.
In a big city there are many people that you don't know and you can make many friends comparative to a small town where people always know something about you. What i also like to big cities is that restaurants and pubs are open late or all night so you can go with your friends and have fun. Famous singers or personalities come in big cities so you can meet your favourite singer and take an autograph.Big cities have other conveniences like airports and good hospitals.
I think that to many teenagers big cities are exciting while the small towns are boring.I like noisy and crowded places that's why a big city makes me feel more alive.I would go in a small town to relax, but only for a weekend.

5 How do movies or television influence people's behaviour?

I think that the movies and the television have many methods to influence people's behavior. This influence varys from positive to negative.
However, In major case many televisions prefer to show movies and programs which are interesting for the public, but often they are dangerous for it. For example movies which contain violence, sexual scences and drug using may influence people's behavior in one negative way.

I think that the governments must take the control on the televisions. It will protect children from dangerous programs

Many modern contries are incorporate in their legislations different law restrictions about dangerous programs and movies. The films in this countries must be marked with red dot, whose aim is to warn parents that the movie is not appropriate for their children. I think that it's the right solution and all countries must follow this experience.

Also, the films and the television have some positive effects. For instance, they are easy way to learn different languages. The films and the television have another positive effect - they improve general knowledge. I accept that the films are one kind of the art but I think that they may be dangerous kind of art.

In conclusion, I think that the effects of the movies and the television programs must be profoundly consider. It will decrease many social deviations like child aggression, drug using, smoking and drinking.


Nowadays, television has become the most popular type of communication and entertainment. Because of its popularity, television clearly has a far-reaching effect on human life, in particular, on people's behavior.

Furthermore, through programs on TV, people can learn many practical skills to communicate with each other. The TV programs often simulate cases happening in all aspects of real life. Therefore, people can draw their own lessons from those cases. For example, from movies shown on TV, people could come to know how to behave in certain cases and then, apply into their real lives to solve their own issues. Also, TV brings about a huge source of entertainment, making people's lives more pleasant. After a long working-day, tired from all stuff you've done, you only need to stay at home, lying on the sofa to enjoy interesting films of all kinds, from action films, horror films to romantic films and so on. This helps you feel at ease and escape from your tensions. In general, TV has clearly become an essential part in human modern life.

TV also brings with it serious problems. Watching TV could lead to a number of health issues. For instance, in developed countries where TV is popular, many children acquire obesity because of watching TV too much without exercises. As a consequence, it leads to laziness and health deterioration. In addition, not only could TV harm people physically but it could also impact on people mentally in many cases. More and more violent behaviors are shown on TV today. As a result, they become persist obsessions in people's mental and gradually lead them to violence in real life. Especially, young people's fledgling brains are vulnerable to these stimuli. Many young criminals are found to commit crimes due to the fact that they simply imitate what they have seen on the screen. In short, if ignored, TV impact would result in long-lasting and head-achy problems in society.

All in all, like a double-edged knife, TV brings about both advantages and disadvantages. What people need to do is to make use of its positive things and to restrain its negative ones as much as possible.

6If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change?

If i could change one important thing about my hometown it would be in the scholar system. I think we should pay more attention to scholar sport. The aim is to encourage, promote and support sport and healthy lifestyle initiatives for young people.
A recent study shows that more and more children are spending hours in front of TV or computer screens every night, contributing to a large amount of children categorised as obese.That's why i think we should focus on promoting sport in schools and show young people the importance of sport activity.

Team and individual sports should be popular part of our schools. They must be well organized and introduce students to individual and team sports.These can help students move through regional and provincial competitions.There are many benefits for students who are involved in sports. They are physically active, which helps keep them healthy. They also learn about teamwork, discipline and leadership.
Schools should promote student participation in activities after class and develop programs and competitions between schools. Sport teaches us big lessons for life. Most sports involve

teamwork and teach us how to get along with others, how to work together to achieve a common goal, and about trust and responsibility. All sports teach us about dealing with success and failure. Sport encourages a sense of belonging and identity, bringing people together .It also brings people from different classes and backgrounds together - after all, sport is a universal language.

7 Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future?

"Who will not keep a penny, never shall have many." ( English Proverb )

Many people spend all of their money when they earn it wastefully, but other like to save their money for the future. In my opinion, It's good to enjoy a small amount of money when you earn it and save a larger amount of money for the future.

When people earn money, they should use a small amount of it to do what they want. They can spend money for entertainment, buy a small thing for themselves, go camping with their friends, have a party with their family..... But they must to pay attention not to spend too much.

In addition, doing what people want can help them relax absolutely, give them energy and inspiration to do their job better. Try giving yourself a gift when you earn money, I'm sure that it's very interesting!

Otherwise, if you don't enjoy your money when you earn it, you will live a dull life. Your only duty is go to work and earn money, so bored! It's good to budget money for necessities as clothing, rent and for the fun things as vacations, parties, relaxation....

Besides,people need save their money for several reasons. First, saving money 'll help them buy value things, which they have expected for a long time, for example a car, a new house, a jewelry.....

Moreover,with your earnings, if you are ill or lose your job,you will have money to manage your life.When you are old and your children still go to school,you can pay school fees for them. And you even lend your friends money when they are in trouble.People don't save money for the future ,they could have problems.So you had better send your money to the bank you believe in.

To conclude, people should spend their money wisely.They shouldn't neither waste too much money for unworthy things nor too miserly in spending money. The larger earnings should be saved for the future, but the small one should be enjoyed.

8 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn

It's obviously right that all the students, would be very happy to get good grades so in my opinions, it's very right for me to say grades encourage students to learn.

I recall my first English lesson was very intersting. When I was 13 years old, my father sent me to an English class. I was the youngest pupil in the class. The teacher asked me to write something about my hobbies, and I wrote about my dear cat, she gave me a good mark with the comment that: "Your made a good essay, it is clear and lively" I was so happy and at that moment, I thought that I was not bad at English, then naturely, English became my favourit subject at school.

It's obviously right that all the students, would be very happy to get good grades so in my opinions, it's very right for me to say grades encourage students to learn.

I recall my first English lesson was very intersting. When I was 13 years old, my father sent me to an English class. I was the youngest pupil in the class. The teacher asked me to write something about my hobbies, and I wrote about my dear cat, she gave me a good mark with the comment that: "Your made a good essay, it is clear and lively" I was so happy and at that moment, I thought that I was not bad at English, then naturely, English became my favourit subject at school.

It has been argued that marks could make some students stressful,
especially for the students with poor grades. However, as research on the education indicated that grades could let students clearly understand their performance and let them know their advantage and disadvantage. For example, without grades, how could students know what talent they really have? Grades is the indicator of students' ability to master the knowledge.

Moreover, the teacher can clearly master the status of each student study through grades. Every one had talent, but no one had all the talent. By grades, the teacher can understand ach student's talent. For instance, some students may be good at logic thinking, such as mathmatics, physics; the others may like atheletic, such as baseball, tennis. By grades, the teacher can give different advice to different student.

Furthermore, only through grades can parents understand how their child's performance in the study. For example, when I had a poor performance in some courses, my parents always helped me figure out the reason and help me go through it. Each time I went through this difficulty, I had more confidence on my study.

Grades encourage students to compete with each other, but by this they can learn, can gain more experience and knowledge, and be more self-confident and persistent;

In conclusion, grades can encourge students to learn. It can help students realize their talents and find out their disadvantages. Without grades, how could a student clearly understand themselves?

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