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Description: X-plore is a file manager for Symbian phones, with wide range of functions on phone's file system.
Currently it is in beta version.


* View all drives / folders / files on phone in tree vi 151l117b ew *
* Integrated text and image viewer
* View file details
* Edit file attriutes (hidder, read-only, etc)
* Rename and delete files
* Create or edit text files
* Create folders
* Multi-selection
* Copy or move files and folders
* Send files by Bluetooth or Infrared
* Extract files from Zip, Rar, Jar archives
* View Word documents
* Hardware device info
* View processes and tasks **
* Built-in program update
* Viewing, saving files in Messagning folders

* Protected folders on Symbian 9.x are not accessible
** Available only on Symbian 6/7/8

This application is currently available for public testing. It cannot be purchased at present.


0.90 - Beta version
0.91 - fixed exit confirmation bug, improved page up/down scrolling, more color themes, configurable viewer font size, allow send multiple files by BT/Ir, opening Jar archives, open Word documents, fullscreen mode in viewer, fixed Paste crash with empty clipboard
0.92 - multiselection in archive viewer, Rar archive, unicode option in text editor, total progress when copy/move, refresh list when getting focus, remembering scroll position of viewed text files
0.93 - access to attachments in Messaging folders, progress bar while deleting, landscape image viewer

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Apreciat: hand-up

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