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Audio Terminology


Audio Terminology

Amplifier: A device which increases the amplitude of a signal.

Ambient Audio: The background noise present in a scene or recording location.
More info: Ambient Audio, Matching Ambient Sound, Wild Sound, Room Tone, Buzz Track

Audio: The range of sound frequencies which can be heard by humans.

Balanced Audio: A type of audio signal which uses two inverted voltages as a way to prevent unwanted noise being picked up by cables.
More info: Balanced Audio

Bus: The pathway along which an electrical signal flows. For example, the output of a sound mixer is referred to as the master stereo bus.
More info: Buses

Channel: Similar to a bus, a pathway through an audio device. For example, sound mixers have multiple input channels.

Compression (1): A method of reducing the size of a digital file.

Compression (2): A method of "evening out" the dynamic range of a signal.
More info: Using an audio compressor

DAT: Digital Audio Tape.

Decibel (dB): Logarithmic measurement of signal strength. 1/10 of a Bel.

Equalization: The process of adjusting various audio frequencies to correct or enhance the sound.
More info: Audio Equalisation

Fade: A transition to or from silence.

Frequency Response: The sensitivity of an audio device to various frequencies, i.e. the amount each frequency is boosted, attenuated or reproduced.
More info: Microphone Frequency Response

Gain: The amplification level of an audio signal.

Hertz: Unit of frequency, cycles per second.

Headroom: In a cable or audio device, the difference between the maximum level of the signal being carried and the maximum level the device is capable of carrying without distortion. Headroom is safety room.

Impedance: The amount of opposition a device has to an audio signal. In technical terms, the combined effect of capacitance, inductance, and resistance on a signal.
More info: Microphone Impedance

MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A standard of communication between musical instruments, controllers and computers.

Mixer: A device which accepts two or more audio inputs and provides one or more audio outputs.
More info: Audio mixers

PCM: Pulse Code Modulation, a digital audio format.

Peak: The highest level of strength of an audio signal. Often refers to an unacceptably high level, where the signal begins distorting.

Phantom Power: A DC current which is sent through audio cables to provide power for devices such as microphones.
More info: Phantom power

PPM: Peak Program Meter, an audio level meter.
More info: PPM Meters

RCA: A common type of audio (and video) connector, often used in home entertainment systems.

Reverb: Reverberation, the effect of sound waves bouncing off walls and other objects.
More info: Audio Reverb

Sample: In digital audio recording, thousands of individual "samples" are recorded every second. Added together these make up the digital audio signal.

Stereo: Audio which is made up of two channels - left and right.

Tone: An audio test signal used to adjust levels, test signal quality, identify signal pathways, etc.
More info: Audio Tone

Transducer: Any device which coverts energy from one form into another. Microphones and loudspeakers are both transducers.

Ultrasonic: Audio frequencies which are too high to be heard by humans (above approximately 20,000 kHz).

Vocal: Pertaining to the human voice.

VU: Volume Unit, a unit used to measure the volume of an audio signal.
More info: VU Meters

Wavelength: The length of a wave, measured from any point on a wave to the corresponding point on the next phase of the wave.

XLR: A lockable connector, available with various numbers of pins. The most common XLR in audio work is the 3-pin XLR.
More info: Audio connectors

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