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3 reasons for you to come in Romania


3 reasons for you to come in Romania

1.You can visit Dracula's Castle.It's situated near Brasov town,in Bran.

Vlad the Impaler (Vlad Tepes in Romanian) was descended from Basarab the Great, a fourteenth-century prince.

In Romanian history, Vlad is usually referred to as "Tepes" (pronounced Tse-pesh). This name, from the Turkish nickname "kaziklu bey" ("impaling prince"), was used by Ottoman chroniclers of the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries because of Vlad's fondness for impalement as a means of execution. The epithet, which echoed the fear that he instilled in his enemies, was embraced in his native country. No evidence exists to suggest that Vlad ever used it in reference to himself. By contrast, the term "Dracula" (or linguistic variations thereof) was used on a number of occasions by Vlad himself in letters and documents that still survive in Romanian museums.

2.Painted Monasteries of Moldavia.

Sixty monasteries exist in Moldavia. Most of the monasteries were built in the 15-th and 16-th centuries , under the rule of voivode Stephen the Great(stefan Cel Mare) , who erected them after each battle he won against the Turks . These monasteries combine the Byzantine influence with that of the Italian Renaissance. Mostly built following a trefoil pattern , they were the starting point of an original architecture system , known as the Moldavian arch. It is a nave covered by a dome supported by semicircular arches enhancing the impression of height inside the church.
The frescoes, especially those on the exterior walls , stand out through the greatness of composition, their unity of style and laic inspiration. The colors of the frescoes , generally well preserved , surprise by their variety and originality, " the Voronet blue " being the best known of them

3.The Danube Delta

Eighty kilometers before reaching the Black Sea, the Danube river splits into two, and then three branches, i.e. Chilia, Sulina and Sfântu Gheorghe, to create a unique and somehow exotic landscape. The river, which is 2,860 km long (apart from the delta), and the water gathered from its about 120 tributaries, meanders through the widening riverbed, while the Black Sea waves repel the sediments brought by the old "Danubius" from far away and deposit this rich earth at the mouth of the river. And this is how, along time, the youngest land in Europe came into being becoming a realm of reed and a safe refuge for many rare species of birds, fish and animals.Located at mid-distance between the North Pole and the Equator, the Danube Delta covers 4,152 sq. km of which 3,446 sq. km (82%) lie on the Romanian territory and the rest is in Ukraine

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