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Ethics for managers, Philip Holden, Gower, 2000, Hampshire


Ethics for managers, Philip Holden, Gower, 2000, Hampshire

Moral integrity is the rock upon which organization success is built because it creates stakeholder loyalty. It is the responsibility of managers to broadcast the compatibility of ethics and excellence.

P 2-3Laura Nash suggests that all managers share certain values: honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, respect 4 others, self-resp 24424f52y ect, family-achievement, reliability, fairness and loyalty. You may also consider compassion, self-sacrifice, humility, faith (believing in something which in good and worth striving for), hope (keeping alive a desire for good and expectation of things to come), prudence (taking the time to think about what you are doing and the likely results), temperance (moderation in all things and self-discipline), courage (or valor to do what you think is right), courtesy, patience, promise keeping, respect for the rights of others and obedience to the law. Many of these values are summarized in the Hippocratic Oath, when every new doctor swears "Above all, not knowingly to do harm".

The history of philosophy is littered with sages offering their own brand of absolute truth and values.

Moses[13th century BC]

Cele 10 porunci date lui Moise de catre Dumnezeu in Biblie, created a covenant of mutual responsibility and commitment between God and each individual.

P 77. in a letter of 1859 Abraham Lincon stated he was for both man and the dollar, but in the case of conflict, the man before the dollar

P 79-80. Peter Drucker (1981) argues that business ethics is a misnomer because they simply reflect the morals of people who make business decisions. He defines right behaviour in relation to Confucius's ethics of interdependence as 'the behavior that optimizes each party's benefits and thus makes the relationship harmonious, constructive and mutually beneficial'

P92. Profit depends on ppl [particularly customers, employees and suppliers]. Putting shareholder's interest last, because the company believes that profits will flow automatically from satisfying stakeholders' needs.

P93. ethical and socially responsible policies can boost profits by attracting the best people, satisfying ethically conscious customers, increasing employee commitment (through greater identification with the organization's purpose), reducing the likelihood of government and regulation and troublesome interference from pressure groups, and improving an organization's image and reputation. Reputation is key source of competitive advantage and profitability. The ethical should hurt argument goes beyond enlightened self-interest and centres on truly altruistic behavior that leaves a dent in the organization's balance sheet. Anita Roddick, in her autobiography (1991) gives full support to altruistic strategies in pursuit of The Body Shop's vision of 'making the world a better place'. Values, aesthetics, idealism, and a sense of curiosity are at least as important as profit, Roddick maintains.


Healthy business needs a healthy society. In Pauline Graham (1995), Mary Parket Follette discusses the concept of 'reciprocal service' which implies a management responsibility to not only serve the community but also to ensure that there is a community to serve. Anita Roddick's advice:'a company that makes a profit from society has the responsibility to return something to that society'

Danah Zohar (1997) concludes, successful companies need three kinds of intelligence: mental, emotional and spiritual, supported by servant leaders. For these people, she concludes, business becomes a spiritual vocation, rather than manipulating things and nature and people for profit.

Peter Drucker (1974) 'Free enterprise cannot be justified as being good for business. It can be justified only as being goof for society' ; p97

P 99. Moral leadership

Any ideal leader is concerned with two main issues: people and results, which is reflected in the writings of Peter Drucker. He believed that management is concerned with getting things done through people. The hard side of the business, bottom-line results(profits) is achieved only through soft, people oriented issues like leadership, commitment, culture and empowerment.

Despre codurile de etica, eventual. P 103. peter drucker wrote (1969) 'Management is simple but not easy. The simple part is knowing what to do. The part that is not easy is getting people to do it.'

Henri Fayol (1949) argued that managers should not only plan, organize, command, co-ordinate, and control, but also raise employee morale through equity (a 'combination' of kindliness and justice) and esprit de corps.

p/106Every leader has the potential to inspire his/her people, if they adopt seven moral attitudes: Passion for principle, dealer in hope and unity, duty of service, compassion with cool detachment, inner strength, exelence with humility, visible but invisible.

P120. in leadership, feminine sensitivity (the Yin of leadership) must be combined with 'masculine' aggressiveness and creative destruction (the Yang).

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