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A) Read the following dialogue and then produce a similar one, according to the information bellow

A: Oh, what a lovely dog ! It's brown, curly and so tricky. What's its name?

B: Peter, I think it's live, months old. It's still a puppy!

A: I wonder who it really belongs to. Is it yours or your grandparents?

B: Well, it belongs to my grandfather, in fact. Grannie hates pets. She is against keeping pets in.

A: She is right. Pets can harm your health!

B: Come on! Whose side are you?

A: I'm sorry, I was only goking.

B: That' s better!

A: Oh, what a nice dog! It's yellow, short and friendly. What's its name?

B: Codita. I think tue years old.

A: Where do yo keep it? Is it your or your parents?

B: I keep it in the backyard.

Do you like pets?

A: Yes I'like dogs, buts I can't keep them in apartment.

B) Rephrase the following sentences

I'm so glad to see you.

I'am so delighted to see you.

I can't wait to let you meet my family.

I can't wait for you to emcounter my family.

She's such an understanding woman.

She's such a nice woman!

She gets in touch with so many people.

She comes into contact with so many people.

He's studying now.

He's learning now.

He doesn't miss a pop-show!

He doesn't skip a pop-show!

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Apreciat: hand-up

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