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A massive growth of drug consumption and illicit trade have been noticed within the last 10 years, not only in Romania but all over the world.

Drug addiction tends to become a social problem in some countries and "drug 252h74c problem" has become a worldwide phenomenon.

From a pharmaceutical point of view, a drug represents a vegetal, animal or mineral substance, used mainly in preparing some medicines or intoxicants.

Intoxicants - are substances that may be used for the inhibition of man's nervous centres. Their effect mainly consists in a physical inertia of these nervous centres.

If they are taken in for a longer period of time, they will surely create addiction: that means the person who has become a "real user", has become dependent and will permanently feel the "need" of taking / having the "usual" amount or amounts bigger and bigger.

As power of action upon man, there are soft drugs and hard drugs. Hard drugs are very dangerous. They damage people's health, create addiction, lead to death. There has always been made a connection between the consumption of hard drugs and crime.

The most widely used drugs round the world are:


It is maybe the most abused drug within Europe's borders' limits. There are two categories of cannabis: marijuana and hashish.

Marijuana, a.k.a. "grass" is a blend made up of the stem and flower of hashed hemp. The users smoke it, being incorporated in common cigarettes or in pipe tobacco.

Hashish is a solid paste round or oval-shaped. It is light or dark brown, so it can be easily recognized. Hashish may be chewed or sometimes smoked.

The main sources for herbal cannabis are Jamaica and Southern Africa. The main source for resin cannabis (row hashish) is Pakistan. Belgium, Spain and The Netherlands are important secondary distribution centres to all the parts of Europe.


It is especially produced in Iran, Iraq, or in the Far East. It appears as a brown paste, having a sour, bitter taste.

Most of the users smoke it. Some of them prefer opium "improved" with morphine, which gives a very toxic residue.

Opium may be found as balls, granules, or even powder.


It is the main artificial derivative of morphine and represents one of the most dangerous drugs because it creates a strong physical addiction.

It appears as a brown, grey or white powder, according to its quality. The drug may be injected intravenously or may be breathed in. It has a strong smell of vinegar.

The main cultivation zones are the Golden Crescent and the Golden Triangle in South East Asia. The main source for European countries remains the Golden Crescent in South West Asia.

Heroine travels to Europe via Turkey and from there through the Balkans to Romania, Italy, Austria and Germany. For a person who is not a drug addict, the lethal dose of heroin is 0.10 grams.


Appears as a white brilliant powder with a bitter taste. It brings about a local anaesthesia under the tongue.

The main cultivation zones are in South America. Outstanding producers are: Columbia, the biggest one, then Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Europe has been targeted as "market" by the Columbian cartels within the last 10 years. Big quantities of cocaine have been sent to Europe's largest parts.

Sometimes the Police were successful. A few years ago officers from "Narcotics" discovered and captured one tonne from a single seizure in the United Kingdom. Cocaine may be breathed in or be injected intravenously. The "connoisseurs" snort it using a spatula of bone or ivory.

Cocaine is not as toxic as heroin is and is less addictive than any other hard drugs, like "crack".


addict  - dependent

drug addiction - dependenta

intoxicants  - stupefiante

pain-killers  - analgezice

to bring about (a feeling) - a produce ( o senzatie)

cocaine may be breathed in - cocaine poate fi prizata

to snort (sl.) - a priza (argou)

a spatula of ivory - o spatula de fildes

from a single seizure / to seize - la o singura captura/a captura

drug trafficker - traficant de droguri


Read and translate the following text. Pay attention to the underlined words and phrases. Use an English - Romanian dictionary.

Heroine costs between three to twenty-five dollars a deck. A deck is a cellophane packet with a drug in it, sufficient for a single intravenous "shot".

A twenty-year old girl said: "It costs me over 70 dollars a day to support this habit when I'm on crisis". But the "average" for an addict is 25 - 35 dollars a day.

The question is: "How is a teenager who is given 50 cents a day, going to find at least 25 dollars every day?"

In this way each teenager who takes in drugs / breaks in might become a dangerous offender

Teen-age muggings, housebreakings, purse snatchings, armed robberies and auto theft have become a major social problem in New York and Police assert that one of the reasons that that triggered all these serious offences is drug addiction.

After a twenty-year study on drug trafficking and drug addiction, the specialists reached the "bitter" conclusion that 80-90 per cent of the drug addicts hospitalized for specific medical treatment have finally returned to their "habit".

According to the content of this text, do you find drug addiction a serious social problem? Argue.

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