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Vorbirea indirecta se foloseste pentru a relata cuvintele unei alte persoane. Principalele categorii ale vorbirii indirecte sunt: afirmatii, interogatii, comenzi.

A. Afirmatii. Trecerea de la afirmatii directe la afirmatii indirecte necesita cateva schimbari in:

  1. timpurile verbale
  2. pronume si adjective
  3. adverbe


Verbele regulate schimba timpul doar cand verbul relatarii (say, tell, ask etc.) este la trecut. 717e41h Nu exista schimbari de timp daca verbul relatarii nu este la trecut. 717e41h

Vorbirea directa

Vorbirea indirecta

He always says: 'Jane works too hard.'

He always says that Jane works too hard.

He is saying: 'Jane works too hard.'

He is saying that Jane works too hard.

He will say: 'Jane works too hard.'

He will say that Jane works too hard.

Tabelul schimbarilor temporale cand verbul relatarii este la trecut. 717e41h

Vorbirea directa

Vorbirea indirecta

He said: 'Jane works hard.'

He said that Jane worked hard.

He said: 'Jane is working hard.'

He said that Jane was working hard.

He said: 'Jane has worked hard.'

He said that Jane had worked hard.

He said: 'Jane has been working hard.'

He said that Jane had been working hard.

He said: 'Jane worked hard.'

He said that Jane had worked.

He said: 'Jane will work hard.'

He said that Jane would work hard.

He said: 'Jane will be working hard.'

He said that Jane would be working hard.

NOTA: Dar:

He said: 'Jane would work hard.'

He said that Jane would work hard.

He said: 'Jane would have worked hard.'

He said that Jane would have worked hard.

ATENTIE: Conditionalele la vorbirea indirecta urmeaza regulile:

Vorbirea directa

Vorbirea indirecta

Tip 1: Jo said: 'If I listen, I will learn.'

(usual change) Jo said if she listened, she would learn.

Tip 2: Jo said: 'If I listened, I would learn.'

(no change) Jo said if she listened, she would learn.

Tip 3: Jo said: 'If I had listened, I would have learned.'

(no change) Jo said if she had listened, she would have learned.

Verbele modale se modifica in felul urmator:

Vorbirea directa

Vorbirea indirecta









Celelalte verbe modale nu isi modifica forma.

Dora said: 'Tina can do it.' (d) 

Dora said that Tina could do it. (i)

I said: 'They ought to move it.' (d) 

I said that they ought to move it. (i)

Pronumele si adjectivele se modifica de la vorbirea directa la vorbirea indirecta. Iata tabelul modificarilor:

Vorbirea directa

Vorbirea indirecta





















Ted said: 'I am angry.' (d) Ted said that he was angry. (i)

Al and Tim said: 'These seats are ours.' (d) Al and Tim said that those seats were theirs. (i)

Terry asked: 'How are you?' (d) Terry asked how I was. (i)

NOTA: Cand vorbitorul isi relateaza propriile cuvinte, pronumele si adjectivele raman neschimbate.

I said: "I am angry.' (d) I said I was angry. (i)

Adverbele si expresiile verbale se modifica de la vorbirea directa la vorbirea indirecta. Iata tabelul modificarilor:

Vorbirea directa

Vorbirea indirecta


there, in that place


then, at that time


that day


the day before

the day before yesterday

two days before


the day after

the day after tomorrow

in two days

an hour ago

an hour before

a week ago

a week before

a month ago

a month before

next year

the following year

next week

the following week

last month

a month before

last week

a week before

Heidi said: 'It's raining now.' (d)  Heidi said it was raining then. (i)

Ann said: 'I saw her yesterday.' (d) Ann said that she had seen her the day before. (i)

NOTA: Alte verbe ale vorbirii indirecte pot fi:

agree/refuse/offer/promise + INFINITIV

Harry said that he would invite them. = Harry agreed to invite them.

I said that I would not throw it away. = I refused to throw it away.

accuse/admit/apologize/deny + forma in -ING

He said that he had done it. = He admitted doing it.

He said that he had not done it. = He denied doing it.


Amelia answered that she had not seen them.

Didn't you reply that you didn't care?

B. Interogatii. Trecerea de la interogatii directe la interogatii indirecte cere aceleasi modificari (timp verbal, pronume si adjective, adverbe) ca si pentru afirmatii.

  1. topica verbelor interogative in interogatia directa se modifica in interogatia indirecta devenind topica verbelor afirmative:

Ellie said: 'Where do you live?' (d)

Ellie asked where I lived. (i)

I asked: 'Who did she go with?' (d)

I asked who she had gone with. (i)

  1. interogatia directa nu poate folosi pe say; folositi un verb cu sens interogativ, cum ar fi: ask, inquire, wonder etc.

Matt said: 'Why is he going to do it?' (d)

Matt wondered why he was going to do it. (i)

We said: 'How does it look?' (d)

We asked how it looked. (i)

  1. folositi if in interogatia indirecta atunci cand nu exista alt cuvant interogativ (who, why, where, what, when, how):

Tom asked: 'Is Lucy at home?' (d)

Tom asked if Lucy was home. (i)

They asked: 'Do you smoke?' (d)

They asked (me) if I smoked. (i)

C. Comenzi (cereri si sfaturi). Trecerea de la comenzi, cerinte si sfaturi directe la forma lor indirecta urmeaza reguli diferite.

  1. in constructia indirecta, verbul este urmat de complement + INFINITIV cu to:

He said: 'Claire, stand up!' (d)

He told Claire to stand up. (i)

They said: 'Come in, Kitty!' (d)

They ordered Kitty to come in. (i)

  1. chiar daca in comanda directa nu este mentionat complementul, la forma indirecta este necesar un complement pronominal:

He said: 'Stand up!' (d)

He told he/him/us etc. to stand up. (i)

They said: 'Come in!' (d)

They told me/her/them etc. to come in. (d)

  1. pentru a reda o comanda negativa, forma indirecta primeste pe not inaintea INFINITIVULUI:

Barbara said: 'Don't touch.' (d)

Barbara asked him/us not to touch. (i)

Rita said: 'Don't go swimming, kids!' (d)

Rita told the kids not to go swimming. (i)

  1. verbele folosite in comenzi, cereri, sfaturi indirecte sunt:

tell order advise command forbid

invite remind request warn ask

I advised him to tell the truth.

We warned him not to call her.


1. Treceti propozitiile la vorbirea indirecta.

  1. Dad always says: 'When I was you age, I would earn the money myself.'
  1. I know that Eileen will say: 'You should take care of yourself.'
  1. Darla told her husband: 'I'm starting my new job tomorrow.'
  1. The old man commented: 'The weather will change.'
  1. The proverb says: 'Not all that glitters is gold.'
  1. They have recently announced: 'We plan to get married next year.'
  1. Alison admitted: 'I like Alex, too.'
  1. The Americans like to say: 'Time is money.'
  1. The salesman told my wife: 'Our encyclopedia has always sold very well.'
  1. The teacher promised: 'I'll correct your papers by tomorrow.'

2. Treceti propozitiile conditionale la vorbirea indirecta.

  1. Mon said: 'If I can, I'll pick you up at school.'
  1. The union leader told the workers: 'If the company doesn't increase your salaries, you will go on strike.'
  1. The author told the audience: 'If you had read my last book, you would have understood.'
  1. The priest always tells his parishioners: 'If anyone read the Bible daily, it would be a better world.'
  1. Tom yelled at his son: 'If you don't look out, I'll hit you.'
  1. The lawyer explained: 'If your wife hadn't signed the contract, you would have had your money back last year.'
  1. I told my daughter: 'If your room is messy, you will not be allowed to go out with your friends.'
  1. The candidate announced: 'If I am elected, I will improve schools and lower taxes.'
  1. The historian insisted: 'If the war had lasted another year, the entire country would have been destroyed.'
  1. The man said: 'If Agassi won, he would get the cup.'

3. Treceti propozitiile la vorbirea indirecta (afirmatii, interogatii si comenzi indirecte).

  1. Mr. Watson ordered: 'Fax the letter immediately, Miss Martin!'
  1. Paul agreed: 'It's all true.'
  1. My neighbour wondered: 'Will Mrs. Huxley be able to manage alone?'
  1. I'm sure Mom will be wondering: 'Where in the world is he?'
  1. The detective told the police captain: 'If I had known the answer, I'd have sold the case earlier.'
  1. Janice said loudly: 'People like that should be locked up.'
  1. The flight assistant told the passengers: 'fasten your seatbelts and refrain from smoking until landing.'
  1. The lyrics by Sinatra say: 'I want to do it my way.'
  1. The lady asked the jeweler: 'Would you mind showing me the diamond bracelet in the window?'
  1. I can well remember the morning that the radio announced: 'The war has ended!'

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