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Stimate Manager


Stimate Manager

Esteemed Manager,

Va scriem on behalf studioului nostru de televiziune si film,un studio privat si independent cu sediul in Romania, Transilvania, orasul Cluj.(We write to you on behalf of our television and film studio, a private independent studio with headquarters in Romania, Transylvania, in the city of Cluj.)

Compania noastra se ocupa in principal cu productia de filme documentare, reportaje exclusive, show-uri de televiziune, spot-uri si reclame TV/cinema si de asemenea cu complexe campanii promotionale PR pentru variate companii.(Our company deals mainly with the production of documentary films, exclusive reportages, television shows, TV/cinema spots and commercials, and with complex PR promotion campaigns for various companies as well.)

Suntem un studio cu o traditie de 30 de ani in cinematografie, cu o considerabila experienta in filmele documentare si de expeditie realizate prin lume, in Africa, America, Asia, Micronesi 20220j919u a, Polynesia si Australia, etc. (We are a studio with a 30 year tradition in cinematography, with a considerable experience in documentary and expedition films accomplished throughout the world, in Africa, America, Asia, Micronesia, Polynesia, and Australia, etc.)

Studioul nostru este dotat cu statutul de arta a tehnologiei de ultima generatie(Our studio is endowed with state of the art last generation technique, 35 mm filming gear and Full HD Cinealta video technique.)

Filmele realizate de noi sunt difuzate de prestigioase canale de televiziune din Europa si incepand cu anul 1990 au primit 27 de premii nationale si internationale la variate festivaluri.(The films made by us are presented by prestigious television channels from Europe and starting with 1990 have received 27 international and national awards at various festivals. )

Zburand ca si un sport, are traditii puternice pentru cateva generatii atat in Cluj cat si in familia noastra. Bunicul nostru a participat in cladirea primului glider in Transilvania si in 1940 a si zburat cu el.The wooden and burlap glide a fost numit "Hol`s der Teufel" si inca unul special si unicat, aproape un relic anonim, an device realizat din lemn poate fi de asemenea gasit in Cluj. Vorbim aici de antecedentul elicopterului, de asemenea cunoscut sub numele de "flying wheel" care a fost inventata si construita de Ludwig Marton. (Flying as a sport has strong traditions for several generations both in Cluj, and in our family. Our grandfather participated in building the first glider in Transylvania in the 1940s and even flew with it. The wooden and burlap glider was called "Hol's der Teufel" and another special and unique, almost anonymous relic, an device made from wood can also be found in Cluj. We are talking about the ancestor of the helicopter, also known as the "flying wheel" that was invented and built by Ludwig Marton. )

Scriem aceste aparent nesemnificative lucruri stiind ca nu doar dv construiti avioane dar sunt de asemenea si flying aficionados.(We wrote these apparently insignificant things knowing that not only you build airplanes, but are also flying aficionados. )

In timpul cautarii noastre de contracte pentru the purchase, de care avem nevoie pentru operatiile de filmare in Romania, am avut recent placerea de a-l intalni pe reprezentantul dv, d-nul Gica Pascariu. Am zburat de asemenea cu un CTSW.Caracteristicile acestui zbor de ultralight device ne-a captat atentia si consideram aceasta o optiune in alegerea procesului.(While searching for contracts for the purchase of ultralight flying device, needed for our filming operations in Romania, I recently had the pleasure of meeting your representative, Mr. Gica Pascariu. I also flew with a CTSW. The flight characteristics of this ultralight device have caught our attention, and we consider it to be an option in our choosing process.)

Noi cautam un producator -partener in ultralight avioane cu care sa semnam un acord barter cu urmatoarele conditii.(We are looking for a partner-producer of ultralight airplanes with which we can sign a barter agreement with the following conditions:)

compania noastra poate asigura elaborarea unei campanii complexe si efective PR in Romania in vederea cresterii numarului de produse vandute aici.(Our company can ensure the elaboration of a complex and effective PR campaign in Romania in view of increasing the number of products sold here. )

Compania noastra este angajata in producerea tuturor materialelor audio-vizuale: filme promotionale si comerciale cu avioane produse de Flight Design, filmele de prezentare folosesc tehnici de sincronizare in diferite limbi, adaptate pentru Romania si alte tari de asemenea daca se doreste,filme de advertising si spot-uri publicitare incluzand reclame pentru proiectii de cinema la standarde de inalta calitate.(Our company is committed to producing all of the audio-visual materials: presentation and commercial promotion movies for airplanes produced by Flight Design, presentation movies using synchronized techniques in different languages, adapted for Romania and other countries as well if wanted, advertising movies and publicity spots including commercials for cinema projection at the highest quality standards; )

Compania noastra poate asigura spatii de prezentare-publicitate in presa scrisa in forma de adaos-uri publicitare, radio si alte aree cu un mare impact :led-monitoare,advertising b din premisele noului terminal international al Aeroportul Cluj Napoca, etc.(Our company can ensure spaces for presentation - publicity in the written press in the shape of publicity ads, radio and other areas of great impact: led-screens, advertising boards within the premises of the new international terminal of Cluj Napoca Airport, etc.)

Exista de asemenea posibilitatea ca in titlurile de credit din filmele noastre documentare larg broadcasted putem prezenta numele companiei dv ca si partener, inca o chestiune de promotie si reclama directa pentru Aerodesign pentru un rand lard de spectatori (There is also a possibility that on the credit titles of our documentary movies widely broadcasted we can present the name of your company as our partner, yet another means of promotion and direct commercial for Aerodesign for a very wide range of viewers.)

Pentru toate serviciile mai sus mentionate echivalente in valoarea unui avion de clasa Ultralight R produs de dv. va rog sa analizati posibilitatea de a face un asemenea device valabil pentru noi, un device care va servi de asemenea ca o metoda permanenta de advertising a sectorului media.Desigur, serviciile prevazute de noi pot fi completate si modificate in acord cu nevoile companiei dv.(For the entire above services equivalent to the value of an Ultralight R Class airplane produced by you, please analyze the possibility to make such a device available to us, a device that will also serve as a permanent advertising method of the media sector.

Of course, the services provided by us can be completed and modified according to the needs of your company.)

Best regards,


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