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He dedicated his work, ever since his debut in 1963 with Poveste cu iepurasi / Bunny story, to children's films. The young audience was won over with titles such as Visul lui Boroboata / Boroboata's dream, City, Vânzatorul de înghetata / The ice cream seller, Puiul cu chitara / The chicken with the guitar. He was one of the first serial film makers at "Animafilm", with productions s 10510b113k uch as Aventurile lui Dixy / Dixy's adventures, Patratel , Balanel, Gore and Grigore, on which he sometimes worked alongside Olimp Varasteanu. In the dense filmography of Florin Aghelescu, there can also be seen a few films dedicated to adults, like the funny Variatiuni cu haltere / Dumb bell variations or Penelopa si omuletii albastri / Penelopa and the little blue men in which he proves that he knows how to skillfully measure and dose humour and dinamicaly adjust the rhythm of the stories.


1963 - Poveste cu iepurasi / Bunny story

1966 - Far West

1967 - City

1968 - Expresul de noapte / The night express

1968 - Diamantul / The diamond

1970 - Penele negre / The black feathers

- Fata din Far West / The girl from Far West

- Ultima încercare / The last try

1971 - Vânzatorul de înghetata / The ice cream seller

1973 - Variatiuni cu haltere / Dumb bell variations

1974 - Pic si Poc în jungla / Pic and Poc in the jungle

1975 - Pic si Poc - Baronul Munchausen / Pic and Poc - Baron Munchausen

1976 - Patratel dresor (din seria Patratel), Patratel - trainer ("Patratel" series) codirected with Olimp Varasteanu

- Patratel pictor (din seria Patratel), Patratel - painter ("Patratel" series) codirected with Olimp Varasteanu

- Patratel scamator, Patratel- painter codirected with Olimp Varasteanu)

1977 - Balanel si pepenii (din seria Balanel), Balanel and the water mellons ("Balanel" series) codirected with Olimp Varasteanu

- O vanatoare dulce (din seria Balanel), A sweet hunt ("Balanel" series) codirected with Olimp Varasteanu

- Cine-i mai curat? (din seria Balanel), Who is cleaner? ("Balanel" series) codirected with Olimp Varasteanu

1978 - Bolovanul (din seria Balanel), The boulder ("Balanel" series) codirected with Olimp Varasteanu

- Patratel si mingea (din seria Patratel), Patratel and the ball ("Patratel" series) codirected with Olimp Varasteanu

- Merele (din seria Patratel), The apples ("Patratel" series) codirected with Olimp Varasteanu

1980 - Patratel la gradina zoologica (din seria Patratel), Patratel at the zoo ("Patratel" series)

- Scamator de ocazie (din seria Detectivul) / Casual magician ("The detective" series)

1981 - Ulise si omuletii albastri (din seria Penelopa), Ulyses and the little blue men ("Penelope" series)

- Totul e bine când se termina cu bine, All is well when it ends well

1982 - Chitara buclucasa, The troublesome guitar

- Ulise si gaina cu oua de aur (din seria Penelopa), Ulyses and the hen with the golden eggs (Penelope series)

1983 - Bolnavul închipuit / The imaginary sick man

1984 - Televizorul (din seria Vreau sa stiu) / The tv ('I want to know' series)

1985 - Cauciucul (din seria Vreau sa stiu) / The rubber ('I want to know' series)

- Sarea (din seria Vreau sa stiu) / The salt ('I want to know' series)

1986 - Soarele din casa (din seria Vreau sa stiu) / The sun inside the house ('I want to know' series)

- Tare ca fierul (din seria Vreau sa stiu) / Iron strong ('I want to know' series)

1987 - Tigaia buclucasa / The troublesome pan

- Bradul care face alune / The hazelnut producing pine tree

1988 - Tortul cu bucluc / The troublesome cake

- Concurs de frumusete / Beauty pageant

1989 - Hamacul / The hammock

- Magnetul / The magnet

1990 - Accidentul motanului / Tomcat's accident

- Ce cauti, gasesti / You find what you seek

1991 - Hotul nevazut / The unseen burglar

- Motanul zburator / The flying tomcat

1992 - Bumerangul / The boomerang

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