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profesor scoala

Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Bucovat/Structura Bucovat

Prof. Pārvulescu Miruna


Teacher of English: Pārvulescu Miruna-Dana

Primary, 2 hours/week


Number of students:

Unit of learning: My family and my pets

Domestic and wild animals

Main focus: Speaking skills

Instruction time: 16216t197q 50 minutes

Aims: - to give SS practice in speaking

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students two different types of animals: domesticated and non-domesticated, and to give them practice in speaking. This topic is relevant to students because many students may choose to own a pet.

Language functions:

- asking things

- giving information

- identifying and describing animals

Assumed knowledge: SS have already learnt the Present Tense Simple

If SS do not understand the oral commands or the tasks, these will be

translated into Romanian.

Assessment activity: The students will be assessed on class participation.

Resources and materials: Pictures or drawings of animals, textbook, blackboard

Activity 1: WARMER

Aims: - to warm SS up

- to have SS talk about their lives and themselves;

Timing: 5 minutes

Interaction: T-S

Procedure: To warm up the students for the lesson, I'll ask them questions about their lives. "What day is today?'' What do you do on Fridays?'', "Do you like sweets?''

Activity 2: LEAD-IN

Aims: - to get SS into the new topic

Timing: 2 minutes

Interaction: T-S

Procedure: T asks a student if he/she likes animals and if he/she has got a pet. "Do you like animals?", "What animals do you like ?"


Aims: - to introduce vocabulary concerning animals and their habitat

- to improve pronunciation

Timing: 5 minutes

Interaction: T-S

Procedure: T asks SS if they know what words like "domestic" and "wild" mean. Then T asks SS where domestic animals, respectively wild animals live. SS are also asked to name some domestic and wild animals. T explains what a pet is.

Activity 4: WHAT IS THIS?

Aims: - to have SS talk about the animals they see in the pictures

Timing: 5 minutes

Interaction: T-S

Procedure: SS are shown some pictures and are asked to name the animals they see. They are also asked to describe them: "What's this?", "Is it a domestic or a wild animal?", "Where does it live?"

Activity 5: WHAT DO THEY SAY?

Aims: - to relax students and review this is/that is, demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

Timing: 3 minutes

Interaction: T-S, S-S

Procedure: SS are asked if they know what a dog "says". T imitates some animals and asks students if they can do the same.

Activity 6: WHAT DO THEY EAT?

Aims: - to recycle vocabulary and practise the Present Tense Simple

Time: 10 minutes

Interaction: Pair-work, T-S

Procedure: SS are given worksheets and are asked to work in pairs. They have to answer some questions about what certain domestic and wild animals eat. T checks their answers and/or students go to the blackboard and write the correct answers.


Aims to introduce/recycle vocabulary and give SS the chance to be creative

Time: 10 minutes

Interaction: S-T

Procedure: T asks students if they know what certain domestic animals give.

"What do pigs give?" "They give meat." "What do cows give?" "They give milk." etc


Aims: - to relax students

Time: 5 minutes

Interaction: T-S, S-S

Procedure: T tells SS some characteristics of an animal and SS are asked to guess it.

"I like honey, but I do not like bees." "So, you are a bear."

"I eat carrots and cabbage." "So, you are a rabbit."

Or some students are asked to act out an action or imitate an animal and the others guess the animals.

Note: Some of the previous activities are optional, depending on the time left.


Aims: - to evaluate SS' work

to assign SS' homework

Timing: 5 minutes

Interaction: T-S

Procedure: T grades some SS. SS are assigned to draw a pet and give details about it.

Activity 6



What do cows eat?

They eat grass.

What do zebras....?

They eat......

What......bears eat?


What do cats...?

They eat.....

What......monkeys eat?


What do rabbits...?

They eat......

What ....horses eat?

They eat......

What do wolves..?

They eat......

Document Info

Accesari: 3787
Apreciat: hand-up

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