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Lesson Plan

profesor scoala

Lesson Plan



Class: 3rd

Subject: The duck is in the bath (II)

Method: communicative

Objectives: by the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:

a)     cognitive: -acquire new ideas and words about rooms in a house;

-repeat words after the teacher;

-make sentences with the words which denote rooms in a house;

b)    affective: -should enjoy repeati 15115s1812p ng after the teacher;

-should enjoy learning new words;

-should feel more confident about expressing their own thoughts in English.

Type of lesson: fixation and application.

Teaching techniques: comprehension skills, situational conversation.

Teaching aids: textbook, tape, and blackboard.

Time: 50 minutes.

Teaching events


Teacher's activity

Pupils' activity

Class management

1.Warming up

2. Homework check-up

3. Speaking activity

4. Introducing new words

5. Reading and listening activity

6. Fixation and application

7. Homework assignment

8. Evaluation

Informal conversation between the teacher and the pupils.

Did you do your homework? Who wants to read/to go to the blackboard?

The teacher asks the pupils to put things around the room in places where they are slightly hidden (under the desk, in a bag/box, on a table/chair, between books, next to a box, etc.). Asks children where they are.

The teacher asks a pupil to give 5 things to the class and close his eyes for a moment while they place them.

The teacher uses Poster 5 to introduce the new words: kitchen, hall, bedroom, living room, and bathroom.

The teacher uses flashcard 13 to revise the words for members of the family: mother, brother, sister, father.

The teacher asks pupils to look at Meg and read the speech bubbles. This is not a house, it's a flat. Makes certain they understand the difference.

Plays the tape again.

Quickly revises the words for furniture. Then, asks pupils to read the speech bubbles and point to the TV in the picture

The teacher presents and explains the homework (to copy and translate the text on page 42).

The teacher marks the pupils with grades and makes notes about their activity.

Respond to the teacher's questions.

Pupils respond individually.

The pupils make statements.

e.g.: Where's the apple? It's in the bag.

The pupils ask their classmate where they are and he find them and answer.

The pupils repeat and make notes.

The pupils revise the words.

Pupils look at the flat, read the words and point to the rooms. Then they listen to the tape to check. Play tape 25, children listen and point in their books.

Then, pupils point and make statements about the rooms and who is in them.

e.g.: This is the bedroom. Tom's in the bedroom.

Pupils read the speech bubbles and point to the TV in the picture. Then, children take turns asking and answering about the pictures.

The pupils take notes about their homework.

The pupils record their marks to be signed by the teacher and parents.


Involve pupils in the activity. Check everybody's homework.

Group work

Group work


Whole class


Pair work

Document Info

Accesari: 1976
Apreciat: hand-up

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