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Psihologie militara - FACULTATEA DE PSIHOLOGIE

profesor scoala

UNIVERSITATEA "Titu Maiore 18218v214s scu"


Denumirea cursului: Psihologie militara

Statutul cursului: optional

Durata studiilor: 1 semestru (14 saptamâni)

Total ore 18218v214s : 42 ore 18218v214s

Tipuri de activitati didactice:    curs saptamânal: 2 ore 18218v214s =28 ore 18218v214s

Seminar saptamânal: 1 ora= 14 ore 18218v214s



Familiarizarea cu principalele aspecte ale interventiei psihologice în mediul profesional militar


La sfârsitul cursului studentul trebuie sa fie capabil:

Sa evalueze principalele probleme de natura psihologica semnificative pentru eficienta umana în medii militare specifice;

Sa initieze programe specifice de crestere a potentialului adaptativ al personalului militar;

Sa initieze studii si cercetari relevante pentru problematica psihologica actuala din mediul profesional militar;

Tematica cursului

Obiectul PM, scurta privire istorica asupra PM, domenii de aplicabilitate ale psihologiei în armata

2 ore 18218v214s

Factori de mediu si performanta umana in mediul militar: temperaturile extreme; zgomotul, hipoxia

Orientari în analiza profesiunilor militare.

2 ore 18218v214s

Factori operationali si performanta umana in mediul militar: operatii prelungite/sustinute, raul de miscare, acceleratiile si suprasarcinile

2 ore 18218v214s

Stresul militar în conditii operationale reale

2 ore 18218v214s

Stresul militar în conditii de garnizoana

2 ore 18218v214s

Consiliere si interventie psihologica în mediul militar

2 ore 18218v214s

Leadership-ul în mediul militar

2 ore 18218v214s

Procese de grup în medul militar: coeziunea si moralul

2 ore 18218v214s

Razboiul psihologic: zvonurile, propaganda si contrapropaganda

2 ore 18218v214s

Selectia psihologica în armata: fundamentare, suport etic, legitimitate

2 ore 18218v214s

Sisteme uzuale si metode de selectie psihologica în armata

2 ore 18218v214s

2 ore 18218v214s

Relatia om-masina si eficienta umana în sistemele moderne de armament

2 ore 18218v214s

... rezerva...

2 ore 18218v214s


** *, Technical Report on Psychological Support for Military Personnel,

Psychological Support for Military Personnel. Self Help and Buddy Aid,

(National Contributions), Vol.II, NATO Defence Research Group, 1994

** *, Technical Report on Psychological Support for Military Personnel,

Psychological Support for Military Personnel. Self Help and Buddy Aid

(National Contributions) Vol. III, NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

** *, Technical Report on Psychological Support for Military Personnel,

Psychological Support for Military Personnel. Self Help and Buddy Aid

(National Contributions), Vol. III, NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

BACHE Marianne, , Self help and buddy aid, Psychological Support for

Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding

Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

BACHE Marianne, Psychological support for military personnel in the

Danish Armed Forces: State-of-the-Art (1993), Psychological Support for

Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding

Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche

Group, 1995

BARE Jacques, Psychological support in the Belgian armed forces,

Psychological Support for Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and

Military Leader Guiding Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

BARTONE Paul, Mark A. Vaitkus, Stress, cohesion and morale in

peacekeeping operations, Psychological Support for Military Personnel.

Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

BELENKY Gregory, S.Hursh, D. Penetar, D.Thorne, K. Popp, J.Leu, M.

Thomas, H. Sing, T. Balkin, N. Wesensten, D. Redmond, Sleep deprivation

and performance during continuous combat operations, Psychological

Support for Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader

Guiding Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

BELL D. Bruce, , Spouse support during peacekeeping missions: lessons

learned from operation restore 18218v214s hope, Psychological Support for Military

Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding Principles

for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

BERSIER Marc, A dynamic view of leadership, Psychological Support for

Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding

Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche

Group, 1995

CAMPBELL Catherine, , Psychological support to military personnel

State-of-the-art (1993): Canada, Psychological Support for Military

Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding Principles

for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

CAMPBELL QUICK James, Janice R. Joplin, Debra L. Nelson, National

consequences of self-reliance, Psychological Support for Military

Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding Principles

for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

DILLA Benjamin, L., Combat stress and self-reliance skills in an

undergraduate psychology course, Psychological Support for Military

Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding Principles

for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

FIEDLER Edna, Renate M. Scisney, Stress, psychological hardiness, and

basic training, Psychological Support for Military Personnel. Self Help,

Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding Principles for Psychological

Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

GOTTLIEB Daniel, , What happened to our soldiers in Iraq?, March 1996 APA

Monitor, American Psychological Association, 1996

GREENFIELD Gary, Morgan L. Banks, Special operations psychology,

Psychological Support for Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and

Military Leader Guiding Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

HOIBERG Anne, Military psychology and women`s role in the military,

Handbook of Military Psychology, Ed. by R.Gal and A.D.Mangeslsdorff, John

Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1991

HOLSENBECK L. S., On becoming an operational mantal health provider,

Psychological Support for Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and

Military Leader Guiding Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

JACOBS Rene, Stress and psychological support State-of-the-Art in

the Royal Netherlands Army, Psychological Support for Military Personnel.

Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

JONES Alan, , The Contribution of Psychologists to Military Officer

Selection, Handbook of Military Psychology, Reuven Gal, A. David

Mangelsdorff, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1991

JONES David R., , What the repatriated prisoners of war wrote about

themselves, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, June, , 1980

KRUEGER Gerald, Environmental medicine research to sustain soldier

health and performance during deployment to clima, Psychological Support

for Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding

Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche

Group, 1995

LASKOW Gregory, , The psychologists field set in deployable mental

health units of the U.S.Army: prototypes and revisi, Psychological

Support for Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader

Guiding Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence

Researche Group, 1995

MANGELSDORFF A. David, , Psychological support to military personnel:

state-os-the-art in the United States of America, Psychological Support

for Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding

Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

MANGELSDORFF A. David, Psychological support for military personnel: an

overview, Psychological Support for Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy

Aid, and Military Leader Guiding Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

MEHLUM Lars, Positive and negative consequences of serving in a un

peacekeeping mision: A Follow- UP study, Psychological Support for

Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding

Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche

Group, 1995

MEICHENBAUM Donald, , Stress inoculation training, Psychological Support

for Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding

Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

MEICHENBAUM Donald, Application of stress inoculation training to

military populations: a cognitive-behavioral approach, Psychological

Support for Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader

Guiding Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence

Researche Group, 1995

MITCHELL Jimmy L., Walter E. Driskill, Military Job Analysis - An

Historical Perspective, The Institute for Job and Occupational

Analysis, 1996

MOORE Thomas J., Henning E. von Gierke, Military Performance in Acoustic

Noise Environments, Handbook of Military Psychology, R. Gal and A.D.

Mangelsdorff (eds.), John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1991

Reuven Gal, A. David Mangelsdorff, (Ed.) Handbook of Military

Psychology, , John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto,

Singapore 18218v214s ., 1991

SCHWAB John J., John F. Ice, Judith J. Stephensohn, Kathy Raymer, War and

the Family, Stress Medicine, vol. 11, 131-137, , 1995

SELIGMAN Martin, Prevention of depression, Psychological Support

for Military Personnel. Self Help, Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding

Principles for Psychological Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche

Group, 1995

STEEGE Friedrich W., Werner Fritscher, Psychological Assessment and

Military Personnel Management, Handbook of Military Psychology, John

Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1991

STOKES James, Duties and tasks of CSC-MH personnel in operations

other than war, Psychological Support for Military Personnel. Self Help,

Buddy Aid, and Military Leader Guiding Principles for Psychological

Support (vol. IV), NATO Defence Researche Group, 1995

WATSON Peter, , WAR ON THE MIND, , Basic Books Inc., New York, 1978

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