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Let's dance in style, - Sa dansam la moda,

Let's dance for a while - Sa dansam pentru un timp

Heaven can wait, - Cerul poate astepta

We're only watching the skies - Noi numai privim cerul

Hoping for the best - Sperind pentru cel mai bine, bun

But expecting the worst - Dar asteptind cei mai rau

Are you going to drop the bomb or not? - Vei arunca bomba sau nu?

Let us die young or let us live forever - Lasa-ne sa murim tineri sau lasa-ne sa traim necontenit

We don't have the power - Noi nu avem puterea

But we never say never - Dar niciodata nu spunem niciodata

Sitting in a sandpit, - Cintind in groapa cu nisip

Life is a short trip - Viata este o excursie scurta

The music's for the sad men - Muzica este pentru omul de nisip

Can you imagine when this race is won? - Poti sa-ti imaginezi cind cursa aceasta este cistigata?

Turn our golden faces into the sun - Preschimbind fetele noastre aurite in Soare

Praising our leaders, - Glorificind conducatorii nostri,

We're getting in tune - Ne adaptam situatiei

The music's played by the madmen - Muzica este cintata de omul nebun

Forever young, I want to be forever young - Pentru totdeauna tinar

Do you really want to live forever- Vrei in adevar sa traiesti pentru totdeauna

Forever - and ever - Pentru totdeauna - si intotdeauna

Forever young, I want to be forever young - Pentru totdeauna, Vreau sa fiu pentru totdeauna tinar

Do you really want to live forever - Vrei in adevar sa traiesti pentru totdeauna

Forever young - Pentru totdeauna tinar

Some are like water - Unii sint ca apa

Some are like the heat - Unii sint ca fierbinteala

Some are a melody and some are the beat - Unii sint melodia si unii sint ritmul

Sooner or later, they all will be gone - Mai devreme sau mai tirziu for fi dusi

Why don't they stay young? - De ce nu ramin ei tineri?

It's so hard to get old without a cause - Este asa de greu sa imbatrinesti fara motiv

I don't want to perish like a fading horse - Nu vreau sa dispar ca un cal ce a pierdut cursa

Youth's like diamonds in the sun - Tineretea ca diamantele in Soare

And diamonds are forever - Si diamantele sint pentru totdeauna

So many adventures couldn't happen today - Atitea aventuri s-au putut intimpla astazi

So many songs we forgot to play - Atitea cintece uitam sa le cintam

So many dreams swinging out of the blue Atitea vise risipite in albastrul cerului

We'll let them come true - Ei bine, sa lelasam sa se infaptuiasca

Forever young, I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever

Forever - and ever

Forever young, I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever

Forever - and ever

Forever young, I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever


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