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1. Read the following terms and phrases and match each term from the right column (numbered from 1-10) to their definition from the left column (marked from a-j)

1. covering letter a) written by hand

2. curriculum vitae b) an available job or position

3. to type c) to be much better or or more important than somebody/something else

4.handwritten d) to give something to somebody so that it may be formally considered

or so that a decision about it may be made

5. to enclose e) to promote something

6. to stand out f) personal data sheet

7. to submit g) to be eager for something that one expects to be enjoyable to happen

8. vacancy h) application letter

9. to look forward i) to put something in an envelope

10. to advertise j) to write using a typewriter or calculator

2.Rearrange the following paragraphs into the right order so as to make up a covering letter.

1.Since the age of fifteen I have been a keen student of antiques, learning more and more through the years. I am also an enthusiastic collector of Meissen and Hutchenreutcr porcelain.

2. I enclose a curriculum vitae and a recent photograph. I hope to hear from you soon.

3.Trainee Auctioneer

4. Yours faithfully

5. Encs: Curriculum vitae and Photograph

6. I would be very pleased if I could find employment in such a famous house as yours.

7. My present position is in an antiques market where I have special responsibility for Victorian furniture and paintings. I feel, however, that I would like to specialize in porcelain and china.

8. Dear Sir/Madam

9. With reference to your advertisement in today's Times, I would like to be considered for the above-mentioned post.

3.Complete the following statements by choosing the right alternative a, b or c:

I'm looking forward from you.

a) receiving

b) receive

c) get

2. Mr. Brown, the marketing manager has informed me that there will be his department next month.

a) spare room

b) opportunity

c) vacancy

3. Tom has....the Richmond Secondary School in 2005.

a) been

b) attended

c) graduated

4. Please, find my CV...

a) attached

b) enclosed

c) sent

5. Don't you think that this handwriting is....?

a) clear

b) illegible

c) eligible

6. I would like the working such a big company as yours.

a) occasion

b) vacancy

c) opportunity

7. My present employer....his business.

a) lets

b) is closing down

c) leaves

8. Some think that if they write on purple paper their application will...

a) be funny

b) be accepted

c) stand out

4. Use Present Tense Simple to rewrite the following sentences- change either the verb in the main clause or the one in the dependent clause, as the situation requests:

Model: main clause subordinate clause

Present Tense Simple Present Tense Simple

The students know that there are many other candidates who want to get the scholarship.

The human resources manager ( to think) that many candidates don't know how to write a CV.

The teacher considers that your handwriting (to be ) illegible.

One has to use only black or dark blue ink when he/she (write) an application form.

Alice knows how to behave when she ( to go) to a job interview.

Some make a big mistake because they ( to write) their covering letters on purple paper.

5. Use Past Tense Simple to rewrite the following sentences- change either the verb in the main clause or the one in the dependent clause, as the situation requests:

main clause subordinate clause

Past Tense Simple Past Tense Simple

Model: The applicants knew that they had to submit the materials in due time.

Tom knew that he (to have) to type his CV as fast as he could.

The girl understood that many ads (to request) the applicants to be at least 18.

Bill forgot to enclose an application letter when he (to post) his CV.

You (not write) too many details about your education so your CV was rejected.

5. The students (not apply) for a scholarship abroad when they had the chance to do so.

6. Read the following terms and phrases and match each term from the right column (numbered from 1-10) to their definition from the left column (marked from a-j)

1. Advertising-a) attractive to buyers, consumers, etc

2. Marketing- b) the proportion that a company has of the total volume of trading in

one type of goods and services

3. Direct mail campaigns-c) a business that makes or processes raw materials into a

finished product

4. Market leader- d) making known, calling public attention to a product, service or

company by means of paid announcements so as to affect

perception or arouse consumer desire to make a purchase or take

a particular action.

5. Marketable- e) The life cycle of a new product, which first can be produced only in

the country where it was developed, then as it becomes standardized

and more familiar, can be produced in other countries and exported

back to where it started.

6.Customer needs- f) form of advertising by means of which marketing

communications are sent to customers using the postal service

7. Marketplace-g) the company that sells the largest quantity of a particular product

and thus emerges as a leader

8. Product life cycle-h) the system of buying and selling goods under competitive


9. Market share- i) customer expectations of a product or service.

10. Manufacturer- j) the theory and practice of presenting, advertising and selling


7. Complete the following statements by choosing the right alternative a, b or c:

1. A product's market value represents which that product would be sold if offered publicly.

a) value

b) capital

c) price

2. B2B is a short from Business to Business and is used ....those aspects

of e-commerce that involve the exchange of goods and services between companies over the Internet

a) to define

b) to designate

c) to determine

3. The direct marketing is a.....of marketing that attempts to send the messages directly to consumers using "addressable" media such as mail and e-mail

a) way

b) form

c) means

4. C2C consumer to consumer is the oldest form of ... facilitating people to deal directly to each other

a) commerce

b) trade

c) e-business

5. The market research represents the study of what people buy and why and it is usually a company before it develops a new product.

a) driven

b) offered

c) conducted

6...of a new product, means that it can first be produced only in the country where it was developed, then as it becomes standardized and more familiar, can be produced in other countries and exported back to where it started.

a) The Marketing strategy

b) The Marketing

c) The life cycle

7. A market leader is the company that ...the largest quantity of a particular product and thus emerges as a leader

a) advertises

b) promotes

c) sells

8. The aim of marketing is to make selling...

a) nicer

b) superfluous

c) mare expensive

9. B2C, business-to-consumer electronic commerce is a form of electronic commerce in which products and ...are sold from a firm to a consumer who this way doesn't have to buy from a traditional shop.

a) goods

b) things

c) services

10. Marketing is a social and managerial which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value others.

a) fact

b) process

c) phenomenon

8. Read the following sentences and decide if they are true or false.

Mark them with T or F.

1. B2C marketing designates a set of transactions between two companies.

2. The price at which a product is offered for sale to the public represents its market price.

3. Only the market leaders are quoted at the Stock Exchange.

4. The direct mail campaigns are a form of electronic advertising.

5. To market a product means to advertise and offer it for sale.

6. To satisfy the customer needs is to have the best prices on the market.

7. A "hot" product is a brand new product that appeals very much to the public.

8. A marketplace is a square such as Victoria Square.

9. Marketing deals exclusively with advertising products.

10. A market leader is one who sponsors the most advertising campaigns.

9. Rewrite the following sentences- change either the verb in the main clause or the one in the dependent clause, as the situation requests:

main clause subordinate clause

Present Tense Simple Present Perfect Tense Simple

Model: Teacher knows that all students have understood the lesson.

All marketers know that P. Kotler (to write) the best books on marketing.

The manager appreciates the fact that his products ( to be promoted) using the best marketing strategies.

The customers ( to admit) that their expectations have been satisfied.

It ( to be) very good that the telemarketing officers have made a lot of sales calls.

Everybody knows that Procterand Gamble products ( to be) advertised a lot lately.

10.Rewrite the following sentences- change either the verb in the main clause or the one in the dependent clause, as the situation requests:

main clause subordinate clause

Past Tense Simple Past Perfect Tense Simple

Model: Everybody knew that the hot products had been sold a week before.

1. The board admitted that the advertising campaign (to be) a successful one.

2. The students had been explained all the subjects before they (to sit) the exam.

3. The new product had already offered a lot of benefits when the company (to consider) the possibility of a merger.

4. The girl confessed that she (not know) anything about marketing before attending this faculty.

5. The company had created the most suitable marketing mix before they (to order) the launching of the new product.

11. Read the following statements and complete them using the suitable word or phrase:

1. A marketing strategist should decide if products in the sector are primarily sold on "logic" .. on "emotion".

a) either.or

b) neither.nor

c) rather than

2. The marketing strategies that were successful in some cases shouldn't be taken as

a) codes

b) guidelines

c) rules

3. In 1995 Heinz..over half of its marketing budget into direct marketing and then move it back to advertising

a) put

b) placed

c) sold

4. A very important marketing decision is ...resources between the existing customers and the new ones.

a) to give

b) to share

c) to allocate

5. If you are just....a business you obviously don't have any existing customers.

a) beginning

b) ending

c) starting up

6. It seems that some companies have high levels of..

a) abandonment

b) defection

c) leaving

7. Companies that sell credit know that they must strike..between keeping the old customers and attracting new ones.

a) a problem

b) a crisis

c) a balance

8. A well known marketing strategy is to create a ...scheme for the loyal customers.







9. a strategy meaning that a company uses commercial partners to attract new customers

a) The marketing mix

b) Targeting


The affinity marketing

10. One of the most important decisions a marketing strategist should take is whether or not to stimulate purchase







12. Read the following sentences and decide if they are true or false.

Mark them with T or F.

The process of identifying the specific needs of segments and selecting one or more of these segments as a target is called branding.

A company that is risk averse is one that doesn't test the market before taking its marketing decisions.

Some companies reward their customers by giving some of their money back.

If a company wants to keep its high-spending customers, it must sell only expensive stuff.

To achieve greater customer retention direct marketers have switched the emphasis from from product to service.

A company that looses its customers is a company that doesn't have a high degree of defection.

The use of direct distribution mail order or direct delivery of services is one of the direct marketers' most powerful weapons.

13. Read the following words and put them into the right order.

1. Important, Another, marketing, is, resources, to allocate, between, and, the existing, customers, the, decision, new ones.

2. A, marketing, with, has, to do, the, strategy, decision, how, to keep, vital, customers, about.

3. The, of, is, direct, a, powerful, distribution, use, armoury, weapon, the, direct, in, marketers'.

4. A, must, decision, made, whether, or, to, use, be, incentives, to, not, purchase, stimulate.

14. Rewrite the following sentences- change either the verb in the main clause or the one in the dependent clause, as the situation requests:

main clause subordinate clause

Present Tense Simple Future Tense Simple

Model: They hope that their competitors will not launch a similar product.

1. When you start up a business you (not have) any existing customers.

2. A company (to manage) to attract new customers when they allocate enough money for this.

3. The manager hopes that his competitors (not have) better advertising means.

4. The marketing strategist knows that good service (to help) the company to preserve the existing customers.

5. Direct marketers assume that people (to appreciate) the direct delivery of services.

15. Rewrite the following sentences- change either the verb in the main clause or the one in the dependent clause, as the situation requests:

main clause subordinate clause

Past Tense Simple Future in the Past

Model: They were sure that other companies would not have such an interesting

promoting strategy.

1. Amex Membership Miles created a reward scheme that (to give) some value back to its loyal customers.

2. Direct marketers understood that they (to achieve) greater customer retention by switching the emphasis from product to service.

3. General marketers wanted to build brands the prospects (to feel) familiar with.

4. Companies (to know) that the incentives they (to offer) would attract more and more customers.

5. The customer that (to buy) from a supplier for the first time (to look) for a lot of benefits.

16. Read the following terms and phrases and match each term from the right column (numbered from 1-11) to their definition from the left column (marked from a-k)

1. provost a) CFO

2. dean b) a person in charge with checking the others

3.chief financial officer c) person who is responsible for the manufacturing of a large quantity of products

4. HR manager d) senior administrative officer in certain universities

5. chief executive officer e) manager responsible with the staff recruitment

6. supervisor f) A person or company that employs people

7. employee g) the head of an institution

8. president h) a person who controls the selling of a company's products

9. sales manager i) the head of a faculty

10.production manager j) a person who works for somebody or for a company in return for wages

11. employer k) CEO

17. Read the following sentences and decide if they are true or false. Mark them with T or F.

1. A director is one writes screenplays for movies.

2. A CEO manager deals with the accounting department of a company.

3. All managers spend most of their time talking to people.

4. The first-line managers are the top managers of a big company

5. The head of a university is called dean.

6. An employer is one who works for a monthly subsidiary.

7. In a big company, such as IBM, for instance, the general manager is the one who hires people.

8. The marketing department of a company deals with advertising, market research as well as selling.

9. All employees are checked by their supervisors.

10. The manager is the owner of a company.

18. Read the following statements and decide if they are grammatically correct or not. Mark them with "yes" and "No"

Will you join us for Diana's party?

They have made arrangements to spend the holiday together. They will leave on Monday.

Tom has decided to get only high marks. He is going to learn a lot for his exams.

My car won't start. Are you going to give me a lift?

It's late in the evening- mother is going to prepare the meal.

Bill says: "I must have left my keys on the desk!". Mary: "Don't worry! I will go and fetch them for you".

Tom has to speak English fluently if he wants to get the vaccanc yhe dreams of. He is going to improve his English as fat as he can

"This dress looks gorgeous! I think I'll buy it!"

19. Fill in the following statements by choosing the right alternative a, b or c:

After you...this faculty will you attend an MA course?


will graduate


will finish



2.By the time you finish the project I.. be back at the office.

a) would be

b) will be



3.They won't make any forecasts before they...all the information they need.




will receive

c) won't receive

4. I will send you a message as soon as I.....the novel.

a) will finish reading

b) shall finish reading

c) finish reading

5. Will you keep on learning until you...the lesson?

a) will have understood

b) will understand

c) are going to understand

6. Please, stop the car before house

a) would reach

b) will reach



7. When I ... sure about the result, I will let everybody know it.

a) am

b) shall be

c) am going to be

20. Read the following terms and phrases and match each term from the right column (numbered from 1-10) to their definition from the left column (marked from a-j)

1. Assertive a) to be able to get the meaning of the whole situation

2. Diplomacy b) to predict future events by making use of some given information

3. Empathy c) amazing native intelligence

4. Persuasiveness d) to be suitable for a particular role or task

5. To accomplish e) the ability to imagine and share another person's feelings

6. To make forecasts f)showing a strong and confident personality

7. To see the "big picture"g) to succeed in doing smth, to complete smth

8. Staggering IQ h)the capacity to be convincing

9. To fit into i) the art of tactfully dealing with people

10. To deal with j)to attend to a problem, to manage

21. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true or false. Mark them with T or F.

A manager who is technically competent is one who knows how to plan, lead, organize and control his own work as well as that of the other employees.

To have an enterprising orientation means to be a good entrepreneur.

Someone who makes forecasts is one who predicts the weather.

When you flatter someone means that you bruise that person's feelings.

A manager's daily chores include resolving conflicts among subordinates.

An assertive person is one who always speaks very loud.

The charismatic managers are also the most persuasive.

If you have good interpersonal skills, it means that you have a lot of friends

The persons who have a staggering IQ are always very determined to succeed.

You can't become a successful manager if you don't have some inborn managerial traits.

22. Read the following sentences and choose the right alternative a, b or c in order to create valid statements:

1.......what may, if you are decided to become a manager, you'll do it in the end.

a) came

b) come

c) will come

2........what you want, I strongly believe that our HR manager knows how to deal with people.

a) do

b) say

c) make

3. ....... to say that a good manager should have more than technical skills.

a) it's worth

b) it's enough

c) suffice it

4. Heaven.......for you to leave the country!

a) forbid

b) forbade

c) shall forbid

5. ...........that a good manager should have only technical skills.

a) don't be it

b) shan't be it

c) not be it

23. Read the following sentences and choose the right alternative a, b or c in order to create valid statements:

1. Somebody.........the board on what's happening here.

a) informs

b) will inform

c) inform

2. advice: leave those files for tommorrow!

a) may take

b) take

c) have taken

3. Hurry up! You......the reports ASAP.

a) could send

b) sent

c) send

4. The boss required that everybody.......the meeting on Monday.

a) attend

b) will attend

c) would attend

5. The marketing manager has ordered that the new tommorrow at noon.

a) will be ready

b) are ready

c) be ready

24. Read the following sentences and choose the right alternative a, b or c in order to create valid statements:

1. The chairman suggested that all employees ........ him what they don't understand

a) can ask

b) ask

c) have to ask

2. The bank owner ordered that the wages ........... his stuff.

a) will motivate

b) must motivate

c) motivate

3. The Board recommended that the projects .......... handed in two weeks' time.

a) are

b) be

c) will be

4. The manager suggested that prices .......... kept low so as to attract new customers.

a) be

b) would be

c) could be

5. The executives ............ that the company's policy be well known by the public.

a) have desired

b) would desire

c) desire

25. Read the following sentences and decide if they are true or false.

Mark them with T or F.

To overcome a problem means to fail solving it.

"Left-brain" dominated people tend to focus more on their feelings.

To be creative implies to be a very organized person.

Famous brands such as Marlboro, Coca-Cola or Levi Jeans base their advertising mainly on pure emotional symbolism.

The "right-brain" dominated people are smarter than the "left-brain" dominated ones.

If a company advertises products that are similar to others, it must make ample use of imagery in association with attractive symbols.

Creative people have a lot of fantasy, inspiration and intuition but they don't have logic at all.

26. Read the following words and put them into the right order:

1. A, who, reason, person, logical, focuses on, person, and, usually, is, takes, a, step-by-step, a, "left-brain", approach, to, problems, solving.

2. Direct, tend, the art, a lot, attention, to, of, of, creativity, marketers, to, pay.

3. 'The psychoanalysts that found all important have nearly decisions are made the in subconscious.

4. It, not, is, is, said, but, how, it, is, what, that, said, influences, the, us, most.

5. Reasoned, are, off, required, if, you, arguments, a, consumer, a, want, to, buy, pension, you.

6. If, consider, pure, such, we, as, Marlboro, emotional, Jeans, products, cigarettes, Coca-Cola, or Levi, their, advertising, is, symbolism.

27. Read the following statements and complete them using the suitable word or phrase:

1. ....have found that nearly all important decisions are made in the subconscious.

a) The scientists

b) The engineers

c) The psychoanalysts

2. The direct marketing's ...on entertainment is clear: there is no room for it in direct communications.

a) opinion

b) question

c) stance

3."The right-brain" dominated advertisers use...rather logic.

a) reason

b) intelligence

c) intuition

4. A famous advertiser called Cyrus Curtis considers that the key ingredient of an ad is its....

a) brand

b) atmosphere

c) story

5. Sometimes consumers make impulsive,...decisions.

a) unconscious

b) irresponsible

c) subconscious

6. If an advertising agency doesn't sell then it isn't ...

a) aggressive

b) profitable

c) creative

7. A consumer must take a....decision if he wants to buy a pension.

a) smart

b) logical



28. Read the following statements and decide whether they are grammatically correct or not. Mark them with T or F.

1. If he were an imaginative person he would be a good advertiser.

2. If the marketing manager wasn't so strict, people would dare to to express their new ideas.

3. If she was our employee she would be highly appreciated by everybody.

4. If our advertising strategy weren't god, people wouldn't buy our products any more.

5. If I wasn't fit for this job, I would resign immediatelly.

6. He+s such an intelligent person: I wish he were part of our team!

1. It's high time our company ..a new product.

a) would launch

b) launched

c) had launched

2. I wish I.more imagination.

a) to have


have had



3. He spoke as if he ..something about our advertising campaign.

a) knew

b) had known

c) could know

4. They adopted a new shape for the Pepsi bottle in case people more.

a) will like

b) liked

c) like

5. The advertiser's idea enchanted everybody as if they..under a spell.

a) have been

b) are

c) were

6. The new manager behaved as if he ....everyone around him.

a) could know

b) have known

c) knew

7. It's about time you your suggestions.

a) present

b) will present

c) presented

8. I wish he..the importance of being up to date with everything.

a) will understand

b) understand

c) understood

9. If we only ...what our competitors plan we could avoid launching a similar product.

a) were knowing

b) had known

c) knew

10. The famous advertiser looked awkward as if he..everyone staring at him .

a) would hate

b) hated

c) had hated

29. Read the following sentences and decide if they are true or false.

Mark them with T or F.

It is impossible for advertising to be a form of research.

Advertisers' job is to sell.

3. The purpose of advertising is to persuade."

4.There is a genuine clash between selling and 'being creative'

5.Advertising doesn't have to be entertaining.

30. Read the following statements and complete them using a suitable word or phrase:

1. Some experts consider that the moment of truth is when the prospects or customers ...with the advert.

a) perceive

b) see

c) engage

2. Language ..much too often what people feel.

a) complicates

b) explain

c) camouflages

3. Do you think that advertising should be..?

a) funny

b) playful

c) entertaining

4. The purpose of advertising is to..

a) display

b) persuade

c) advertise

5. There is no genuine ..between selling and "being creative".

a) misunderstanding

b) difference

c) clash

6. We cannot ....on the public without repaying them.

a) intrude

b) disturb

c) upset

7. If you really understand the customer needs you can touch him at..of his being.

a) the heart

b) the sole

c) the core

8. Advertisers should....entertainment with selling.

a) add

b) match

c) mix

9. Ad writers forget they are salesmen; instead of sales they seek ..

a) money

b) power

c) applause

10. The advertiser's job is to make the product...

a) smarter

b) better

c) look better

31. Read the following words and put them into the right order:

1. 'The, people, know, marketing, they, who, what, are, are, the, doing, direct, people.

2. 'Ad, forget, they, salesmen, writers, and, try, are, be, performers, to.'

3. frightens, understand, can, 'Effective creativity', I, admire; unconnected, and, creativity, me.

4. A, must, dominate, compulsions, be, people's, concerned, the, unchanging, and, instincts, that, the, communicator, about, behaviour.

5. 'Each, must, the, lodge, brand, in, message, the, memory, viewer's.'

32. Read the following sentences and choose the right alternative a, b or c in order to create grammatically valid statements:

The marketer wished he ...more last month.

a) would have sold

b) sold

c) had sold

2. If only we work in advertising ten years ago!

a) start

b) had started


have started

3. The advertisers wished their product ....No 1 on the market.

a) will be

b) was

c) had been

4. If only they understand the customers' expectations, they would have been much more successful with their recently launched product.

a) had managed

b) manage

c) could manage

5. If only their commercial .... in the viewers' memory their brand could have been famous!

a) had been lodged

b) had lodged

c) could have been lodged

33. Read the following words and put them into the right order so as to form correct statements:

1. Even if /we /couldn't have won/ had had/ from/ more time/ we/ a more/ award /important/ for advertising/ than/ that/ Cannes!

2. If /our/ that/ much/ commercials/ entertaining/ products/ hadn't been/ so/ people/ wouldn't have bought/ our/.

3. If/ to be/ competitors/ more/ money/ the Board/ had invested/ we/ would have managed/ better/ in advertising/ than our/.

4. We/ better/ would have managed/ the new/ to promote/ the market/ product/ if/ we/ had studied./

If/ everybody/ an art/ advertising/ ads/ hadn't been/ could have created/ brilliant./

34. Read the following sentences and decide if they are true or false. Mark them with T or F.

1. Most selling sites are designed to move consumers through multiple stages of the decision-making process.

2. An ATM is an Automated Teller Machines that simplifies financial transactions with customers.

3. Federal Express is an excellent example of how expensive a welI-designed service Web site can be.

4. site that offers a lottery prize of up to $1000 million for visiting it.

5. The Coca-Cola Web site consists of twelve different sections.

35. Read the following statements and complete them using the suitable word or phrase:

1. In order to make online customers visit a particular web-site, marketers can use other media-print...

a) banners

b) letters

c) advertising

2. The Wall Street Journal is an information..... site

a) highly used

b) important

c) interactive

3. Search engines generate.... by selling banner advertising.

a) profits

b) revenue

c) money

4. Interactive online services allows customers to access account.....

a) money

b) situation

c) balances

36. Read the following sentences and put the verbs in brackets at the correct form:

It is essential that an Internet web site (be)... well designed.

It is amazing that many famous brands (sell)..both online and in traditional shops.

It is incredible that one (find)... information on the Internet about practically everything.

It is unbelievable that so many teenagers (use).... the Internet to make their homework.

It's unlikely that an unknown site (sell).. so many advertising spaces.

It's remarkable that the same Internet portal (offer)... so many different sections.

37. Read the following utterances and match each one of them from the first column (numbered from 1-5) to their logical halves from the second column (marked from a-e)

1. It's advisable that you should not save

2. Don't you think it unbelievable that one should communicate online

3. I told her it was natural that FedEx

4. The Manager suggested that

5. Isn't it strange that some sites should sell


the meeting should be postponed


so fast with people from all over the world?


too many movies in your computer!

d. all the time while others are not even known of?

e. should have delivered her the shopping so soon.

38. Read the following statements and complete them using the correct word or phrase; choose the most suitable alternative a, b or c:

1. The Internet enables consumers and companies .... huge amounts of information

a) to divide

b) to send

c) to share

2. By means of the Internet people can be connected with just a few.

a) mice clicks

b) mouse clicks

c) mouse click

3. The Internet provides e-marketers with access to a broad range of ...segments.

a) people

b) users

c) demographic

4. Kids Only area offers homework help and online magazines along with the usual games, ...and chatrooms.

a) hardware

b) software

c) CD's

5. Younger groups are more likely to use the Internet for entertainment and....

a) having a good time

b) having fun

c) socializing

39. Read the following sentences and decide if you agree or not to what they state. Mark them with T or F.

1. Today a growing number of appliances and systems operate on analogue information.

2. Connectivity makes bits to flow from one appliance or location to another.

3. Recent studies show that consumers don't access information on the Internet before making major life decisions.

4. The typical Internet user is a young, techy, up-market male professional.

5.Consumers aged 50 and older never use the Internet.

40. Read the following words and put them into the right order so as to form coherent sentences:

1. Teens, is,, information, a site, offering, for, on, relationships

2. per week, teenagers, female, 7.4 hours, playing, spend, games.

3. Traditional, differ, consumers, consumers, Internet, from, offline.

4. Text, bitstreams, sound, be, images, can, data, converted into, and.

5. People, use, place, greater, the Internet, value, on, who, information.

41. Read the following sentences and put the verbs in brackets at the correct tense in order to create grammatically valid statements:

1. The Internet ( help)... you a lot if you (know).. how to use it.

2. Little Alan (use).... the computer to play games if you (buy). him one.

3. If you (access).. America Online you (find)... a lot of information.

4. Usually young people (use)... the computer if they (want)... to have fun .

5. If a message has been aimed only at selling, the Internet users ...l probably (react) ...negatively.

42. Read the following utterances and match each one of them from the first column (numbered from 1-5) to their logical halves from the second column (marked from a-e)

If you like it you can spend many hours chatting

If Walter doesn't know how to use the computer

Studies have revealed that if consumers intend to make a major life decision

If one needs a job he/she

If you want to buy a car on the Internet

a) you'll be able to do it very quickly.

b) with your friends from all over the world.

c) they will access the Internet.

d) he won't be able to find a well paid job.

e) can find it online.

43. Read the following sentences and decide if you agree or not to what they state. Mark them with T or F.

1. GATT is an international organization that creates multinational reserve assets that member nations can draw upon for financial support.

The World Trade Organization is the international forum that provides the Most-Favoured-Nation principle.

Technology has created a new commercial reality that led to the emergence of global markets for standardized consumer products.

The World Bank was initially formed in 1944to aid countries suffering from the destructions of the war.

The international trade growth has been favoured by long periods of war.

44. Read the following sentences and choose the right alternative a, b or c in order to create grammatically valid statements:

Global economy ....a rapid growth if funds weren't directed toward military adventures.

a) registers

b) will register

c) would register

2. They ....agreements if they weren't necessary.

a) didn't conclude

b) wouldn't conclude

c) would conclude

3. If international organizations ....they wouldn't donate money for people suffering from the war destruction.

a) don't care

b) didn't care

c) don't matter

4. They wouldn't reduce tariffs and liberalize trade for the Most-Favoured-Nation if they ...that those people are in need.

a) will not know

b) hadn't known

c) didn't know

5. We wouldn't desire to buy so many things if we ....their commercials before.

a) didn't see

b) saw


wouldn't see

45. Read the following sentences and put the verbs in brackets at the correct tense in order to create grammatically valid statements:

1. Tom (worry).if his online shopping weren't delivered in due time.

2. If I (know) to get an IMF sponsorship I would tell it to you.

3. What would you do if your country (not become)..a member of the European Union?

4. What strategy would you opt for if your company (go)...bankrupt?

5. If the national currency (fall).... by almost more than half this year the living standards would be radically reduced.

46. Read the following sentences and choose the right alternative a, b or c in order to create grammatically valid statements:

British Banks banking if they hadn't had branches abroad.

a) will have dominated

b) wouldn't have dominated

c) won't have dominated

2. The foreign banks effective if they hadn't spoken English fluently.

a) won't be

b) can't have been

c) couldn't have been

3. The US banks ....that much in international financing if it hadn't been for the Edge Act.

a) would have participated

b) wouldn't have participated

c) would participate

4. If you .....well informed you wouldn't have known that many US banks are foreign owned.

a) weren't

b) haven't been

c) hadn't been

5. If it .....for the International Banking Act of 1978, foreign banks couldn't have been under the same federal regulations as the domestic banks.

a) wouldn't have been

b) wasn't

c) hadn't been

47. Read the following utterances and match each one of them from the first column (numbered from 1-5) to their logical halves from the second column (marked from a-e)

If US banks hadn't been exempt from McFadden Act's prohibition

2. If the trade hadn't grown so rapidly in America

3. They couldn't have opened a new branch of the bank

4.American banks wouldn't have been a major presence abroad

5.If it hadn't been for the US multinational corporations during 60s and 70s

a) they wouldn't have needed so many new branches.

b) if there hadn't been a parent bank.

c) the American banks wouldn't have represented such a big influential factor abroad.

d) they wouldn't have been allowed to have interstate subsidiaries.

e) if it hadn't been for the expansive US policy concerning banks.

48. Read the sentences below and turn them into reported speech: 1. Have you ever thought that people buy depending on the place they live?

"I am studying consumer behaviour", Mario says.

3. Do you have any idea about how intrapersonal variables influence consumer behaviour?

4. "I must understand what is the significance of the phrase 'selective exposure'! ", the student exclaims.

5. Sylvia confesses: "I was going to attend a course about the gender influence on the consumers' behaviour"

6. The marketing manager announces: "We will make an in-depth market research this month".

7. Wilma asks: "Have you ever been made to buy something you don't really needed?"

8. The teacher asks the students: "How can you define the term 'customer's expectations'?"

9. The expert makes it clear: "One of the most important things is the buyers' attitude".

10. "What are the intrapersonal variables?", the student inquires.

49. Read attentively the sentences below and turn them into reported speech:

1. The CEO declares: "Everybody must handle the reports till tomorrow at 10 am".

2. The expert states: "The surveys reveal that at presnt women are better educated than ever before".

3. Sophia confesses: "For women with families it will always be difficult to break 'the glass ceiling' ".

4. The journalist inquires: " How many women have reached in the company's top management positions this year?"

5. "Have you heard anything about the 50 most powerful women in American business?", asks Paul.

6. The chairman informs the audience "Next year the government will allocate twice as much money to sponsor educational programmes on gender twice as much money to sponsor educational programmes on gender equality"

7. The successful woman admits: "My mother taught me to think positive and gave me a zest for life"

Bill says: "Yesterday I read an article on gender discrimination".

9. "Did you know that last month HP named Fiorina Carly as new president and chief executive?"

10. The sociologist explains: "Now women must understand that they can win only if they make men their allies".

50. Read the following sentences and decide if you agree or not to what they state.

Mark them with T or F.

1. Vodafone has a strong visual identity based on he colour red.

2. The WAP services represent the possibility to send messages whenever you can't talk.

3. Vodafone is the world's biggest mobile network operator.

4. On January 1999, Vodafone made the UK's firstmobile call.

Since its very beginnings, Vodafone has aggressively focused on sales.

51. Read the following words and put them into the right order so as to form coherent sentences:

1. Mobile, shaped, sales, followed, a classic'S', phone, have, curve.

2. Mobile, worldwide, have, phenomenon, been, a, phones.

3. The, were, cumbersome, handsets, early, large, and.

4. The, 3G, whether, with, to pay, was, people, could, question, be, for, them, convinced.

5. It, said, mobile, that, a, worldwide, Vodafone, about, 100, 1, in, people, is, have.

52. Read the following statements and complete them using the correct word or phrase; choose the most suitable alternative a, b or c:

1. Mobile phones ...have followed a classic 'S-shaped' curve.

a) shopping

b) selling

c) sales

2. In the late 1990's the onset of pre-pay options triggered a dramatic sales.

a) lift

b) raising

c) upturn

3. On 1 January 1985 Vodafone made the UK's first mobile....







4. The company has a....of over 4 billion pounds.

a) number

b) business figure

c) turnover

5. Orange won a lot of ...for its early brand building efforts.

a) gifts

b) awards

c) benefits

6. Since its beginnings the company has aggressively focused on..

a) retention

b) acquisition

c) selling

7. Orange has always been Vodafone's greatest ....

a) enemy

b) adversary

c) competitor

8. Orange's famous "The future's bright; the future's Orange!".

a) belief

b) strap line

c) verse

9. Text messaging is the best way to keep in touch when it's difficult to talk and you don't want to be

a) seen

b) discovered

c) overheard

10. Everyone can use the M-Pay: all you a Vodafone mobile phone.

a) want

b) need

c) can get

53. Read the following sentences and choose the right alternative a, b or c in order to create grammatically valid statements:

Everybody is amused ...seeing their advertising.

a) because of

b) about

c) at

2. Virginia is very satisfied ...her new mobile phone.

a) about

b) with

c) of

The manager is very pleased ...the result of the latest market survey.

a) of

b) at

c) with

Walter is extremely delighted ...her new mobile phone.

a) with

b) of

c) about

5. Roger seems disappointed .....the services the new mobile network operator offers.

a) by

b) with

c) of

6. Christine can't remember where she has put her glasses. She looks very worried

a) of

b) with

c) about

54. Read the following words and put them into the right order so as to form correct statements:

1. Annoyed/ the services/ people/ the constant/ GSM/ are/ with/ rises/ in the price/ of

2. All/ James/ is/ very/ learning/ what/ he/ about/ the latest/ ICT/ can/ interested in/ technology.

3. The/ has/ appeared/ about/ Swedish/ screen/ is puzzled/ the/ new/ foreign/ language/ that/ on/ his/ computer/


4. the complexity/ mother/ Wilma's/ is/ very/ by/ of the wireless/ disconcerted/ technology.

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