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Synthesis of the Project


Synthesis of the Project

The observations made at the Recovery Hospital in Cluj-Napoca, shows that the cerebral-vascular affections are representing 12,26% out of the total number of patients.

at the Recovery Hospital in Cluj-Napoca.

In this experiment there were selected 3 male and 2 female patients between 26 and 71 years old.

According to the gravity of the illness there were 3 groups of patients:

Group 1: 2 patients representing 12,5% - minimum motor

Group 2: 2 patients representing 43,7% - moderated motor deficit

Group 3: 1 patient representing 18,7% - severe motor deficit

In the recovery program were used different types of exercises for each group of patients. In all the cases the patients had recovered comparing to the time they were interned.

I want to thank to my guiding teacher Conferentiar Doctor Marilena Kori Mercea for helping me with my research and also for the agreement of choosing this subject and work toward understanding more this delicate problem represented by the cerebral-vascular diseases.

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