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1.     10410g62k ;  For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence but using the word given. The word must not be altered in any way.

E.g. Photography interests me.


       I find photography interesting.

1     10410g62k ;    I believe it's going to rain.


I have a feeling it's going to rain.

2     10410g62k ;    I haven't been to the cinema for weeks.

The last time I went to the cinema was weeks ago. / I haven't been to the cinema for quite some time / a long time.

3     10410g62k ;    The contest takes place tomorrow.


The contest is being held / will be held / is going to be held tomorrow.

1     10410g62k ;    She started cleaning as soon as the children had left.


Not until the children had left that she started cleaning. / She waited until the children had left before she started cleaning.

2     10410g62k ;    It's certain that they'll be late.

BOUND=siliti, nevoiti

They're bound to be late.

3     10410g62k ;    Was her call answered by anyone?


Was there any answer to her call? / Did anyone answer her call?

2.     10410g62k ;  Turn the following sentences from active into passive or vice versa.

4     10410g62k ;    They will have finished redecorating by the time we get back from Spain. (The redecorating will have been finished by the time we get back from Spain.)

5     10410g62k ;    Which picture did he sell? (Which picture was sold?)

6     10410g62k ;    The company is going to increase our wages. (Our wages are going to be increased by the company.)

7     10410g62k ;    While she was moving the furniture she damages the table. (While the furniture was being moved the table was damaged.)

8     10410g62k ;    He is known to have stolen the money. (People know that he stole the money. / It is known that he stole the money. )

9     10410g62k ;    Don't let them make fun of you. (Don't let yourself be fun of.)

Will he be made to obey the rules? (Will they make him obey the rules?)

I wasn't allowed to stay out late. (They didn't let me stay out late.)

He ought to have revealed all the information he had been given. (All information they had given him ought to have been revealed.)

She hates being followed by fans everywhere. (She hates fans following her everywhere.)

They believe he has left the country. (It is believed that he has left the country.  / He is believed to have left the country.)

He had his house broken into. (His house was broken into.)

Don't let her mock you. (Don't let yourself be mocked.)

Who assassinated President John F. Kennedy? (Who was President John F. Kennedy assassinated by?)

3.     10410g62k ;  Rewrite the following sentences in Reported speech using an appropriate introductory verb.

1     10410g62k ;    "Would you like to come to a show with me?" he said. (He invited me (to go) to a show with him.)

2     10410g62k ;    "Shall we buy some new furniture?" she said. (She suggested buying some new furniture.  / that we should buy some new furniture. )

3     10410g62k ;    "He's always moaning (a se plange de cv) about everything," she said. (She complained that he was always moaning about everything.)

4     10410g62k ;    "I'll give you the money back tomorrow," she said. (She promised to give back the money the next day.)

5     10410g62k ;    She asked herself, "When shall I talk to him again?" (She wandered when she would talk to him again.)

6     10410g62k ;    "Give us the money or we'll reveal your secret," the blackmailer said. (The blackmailer threatened to reveal my / our secret if I / we didn't give him the money.)

7     10410g62k ;    "Don't forget you have a doctor's appointment at 11 a.m.," I said to him. (I reminded him that he had a doctor's appointment at 11 a.m.)

8     10410g62k ;    "Please, please, give me one more chance," the boy said to me. (The boy begged me to give him one more chance.)

9     10410g62k ;    "You will apologise to the lady," my father said. (My father insisted on my apologizing (AE) to the lady.  /insisted that I should apologise (BE) to the lady. )

"It was John who wrote that graffiti," said his brother. (John's brother accused him of writing / having written that / the graffiti.)

"Why don't we postpone the meeting?" the boss said. (The boss suggested postponing the meeting / that we should postpone the meeting.)

"We know you were involved in the robbery," the policeman said. (The policeman accused me of being / having been involved in the robbery.)

4.     10410g62k ;  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense

1     10410g62k ;    If I were (be) you, I .. (not/listen) to his lies. (would not listen)

2     10410g62k ;     If he .. (not/eat) that sandwich, he would not have suffered from food poisoning. (had not eaten)

3     10410g62k ;    Father Christmas won't come unless you ... (be) a good little girl. (are)

4     10410g62k ;    As long as you... (do) your best, no one will criticize you. (do)

5     10410g62k ;    He put the answer phone on in case anyone ...(want) to leave a message. (wanted)

6     10410g62k ;    Supposing we ...(be/stop) by the police, what ...(we/say)? (were stopped, would we stay)

7     10410g62k ;    If you....(tell) me you were cold, I ....(put) the fire on. (had told, would have put)

8     10410g62k ;    What ..... (we/do) if John hadn't helped us? (would we have done)

9     10410g62k ;    If she were rich, she ...(not/have to) work. (would not have to)

Go and see a doctor in case you .....(have) a serious illness. (have)

You won't understand this unless you ..(pay) attention. (pay)

What ....(you/give)me if I ... (keep) your secret? (will / would you give, keep / kept)

Even if he .. (beg), I would not help him. (begged)

If this case ... (go) to trial, it will cause a national outcry(protest). (goes)

Supposing no one ...(kill) President Kennedy, ....(things/be) different now? (had killed, would things be)

5.     10410g62k ;  Translate into Romanian

White hats and black hats had a real purpose in the early days of motion pictures. The early movies were made with no sound. So, the movie directors put a white hat on the hero and a black hat on his opponent, the bad guy in the story. That way even a small child knew immediately who was the hero.

The tradition of white hats and black hats is no longer a part of movie making. But you still hear the expression when people talk about good guys and bad guys.

A "black sheep" is a person who does things that are not accepted, that violate tradition. A black sheep is rejected because he brings shame to his group. A family may have a member who is thought of as a black sheep, a person who is not welcome at family gatherings.

Black is also used in some expressions that describe good things. Being "in the black", for example, is a good situation for anyone. It is a business expression that means a company is earning money. A store that makes a profit is "in the black". The expression comes from the color of ink that is used in the books that record a company's profits or losses. Profits are written in black ink. Losses are written in red. So, when someone says his business is "in the red," he means it is losing money.

White usually means something good. A "white-collar" job, for example, is the kind of job many people seek. It is a job where you work at a desk, using your brain instead of your muscles. Usually white-collar jobs pay more than "blue-collar" jobs. Those are jobs where you use your muscles.

Sometimes white is used in an expression that is not good. Whitewash is such an expression. At first, whitewash meant to paint over something with a white paint to make it look better. But now "whitewash" has a different meaning: to hide or cover up mistakes or failures.

A newspaper might report, for example, that the investigation of a train accident is a whitewash, because investigators did not really try to discover who was responsible.

Some expressions use black and white together. Someone may say to you that your proposal sounds all right, but he wants to see it in black and white. He wants to see your proposal in writing - black ink on white paper.

Some people are said to see things only in black and white. In this expression, black and white represent opposite extremes, with no middle ground between them. Most issues in the world are not so simple as black and white. One side of an issue is not all white - right or good - and the other side is not all black - wrong or evil. In the real world there are many grey areas where black and white mix to represent the true situation.   

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