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Australian Blue-eye


Australian Blue-eye

Pseudomugil signifer
SYN: Atherinasignata, Pseudomugil signatus
PD: An elongated species with elaborate finnage. There are two dorsal fins, nearly equalin size, and the caudal fin has a 949s1818j straight edge.The dorsal and anal fins are long and pointed. The body is yellow-brown and the irisof the eye is light blue.Each scale is bordered in dark brown giving the fish a net-like appearance. Thedorsal and anal fins are bright yellow and bordered in black with a white tip at the end. The caudal fin is yellow with a blackand white lower edge.
SIZE: To 1.8" (4.5 cm
SS: Other Pseudomugil species.
HAB: Australia; Eastern Queensland and the Cape York Peninsula
S: middle, top
TANK: A tank measuring 24" (61 cm) with a capacity from 10-20 gallons (38-76 L) is recommended. Plantthe tank along the edges and leave open swimming areas.The filter should create moderate circulation. Use a dark, fine gravel.
WATER: pH 6.5-7.5 (7.0), 10-15 dH (12), 73-82°F (23-28°C
SB: An active, schooling species that can be combined with other gentle fish. Thisfish should be kept in groups of five or more.
SC: Corydoras, Loricarids, tetras, hatchetfish, dwarf Rainbowfish
FOOD: Live; insect larvae, crustaceans, worms, insects; flakes
SEX: Males are more colorful and slightly larger.
B: Follow suggestions for M. splendida australis. Use water values within the mentionedperimeters.The eggs are not molested by the parents and hatch after 12-16 days.
BP: 5.An easily bred species.
R: Make frequent partial water changes.
DC: 5.The species is sensitive to unfavorable water conditions

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Accesari: 1520
Apreciat: hand-up

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