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Eckert Animal Physiology


Eckert Animal Physiology

Fifth Edition -

David Randall (City U. of Hong Kong)

Warren Burggren (U. of North Texas)

Kathleen French (U. of California, San Diego)

ALL-NEW FULL COLOR ART PROGRAM -- Previous editions were 2-color, with a scattering of full-color anatomical paintings. The new edition is full-color throughout, with color employed for specific pedagogical purposes.

Every figure has been revised -- The concepts behind many classic figures have been retained, but all figures have been revised for increased readability, improved content, and consistent style throughout the book.  All figures are available to instructors on CD.


New Chapter 8 on Structural and Functional Organization of Nervous Systems gathers and expands on material that previously served as the opening sections in Chapter 11, Behavior, of the fourth edition, and presents it as an integrated conclusion to Chapter 5-7, covering neurons, neuronal functions, and sense organs.

New Chapter 9 on Glands and Hormones combines in a streamlined form the two chapters on glands and hormones in the fourth edition (chapters 8 and 9).

The final two chapters in the previous edition (Acquiring Energy and Using Energy) have been reorganized as three chapters: Acquiring Energy (15), Energy Expenditure (16), and Energetic Costs of Meeting Environmental Challenges (17).


Zoology, animals and the range of environments in which they live (Ch.1)

Imaging technology (Ch.2)

Heat shock proteins and chaperones (Ch.3)

Ion channels, including new structures and molecular mechanisms (Ch.5)

Neurotransmitters and their receptors, particularly neuromodulators (Ch.6)

Invertebrate nervous systems (Ch.8)

Hormonal actions (Ch.9)

Detailed molecular mechanisms of motor proteins: actin, myosin, kinesin, dynein (Ch.10)

Neural control of muscle (Ch.10)

Hormonal control of behavior (Ch.11)

Blood clotting mechanisms and capillary blood flow (Ch.12)

Hemoglobin structure and types (Ch.13)

Ionic mechanisms in mammalian kidneys and insect excretory systems (Ch.14)

Environments and their constraints as energy sources (Ch.15)

Metabolic expenditures by animals as a result of "who they are" (Ch.16)

Metabolic expenditures by animals as a result of "where they live" and the  ecological physiology of heat shock (Ch.17)


- Zoological context of physiological mechanisms will help students to appreciate how physiological mechanisms evolve in response to selective pressures.

- Reproduction is the key to species survival--the Fifth Edition explicitly refers to the connection between physiological fitness and reproductive success.

EXPANDED AND MODIFIED SPOTLIGHT BOXES that are clearly labeled with icons indicating the type of information they contain.

Historical Boxes enrich the presentation by introducing students to individuals and techniques that have shaped this field over the centuries. These boxes present the heritage of animal physiology without interrupting the flow of ideas in the text.

Quantitative Boxes treat a selection of mathematical topics in greater depth to support a deeper understanding of material in the text.

Deeper Look Boxes present physiological principles in depth while preserving the flow of the text.

Experiment Boxes feature techniques that have generated breakthroughs in physiology. The emphasis is on modern techniques, with some classical methods included.


Topically organized bulleted summaries with each chapter.

Additional Review Questions at the end of each chapter.

Additional in-text challenge questions to test and inspire students.

"Classic" icon designates classic experimental work and classic readings.

Document Info

Accesari: 1979
Apreciat: hand-up

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