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Configure Anonymous User Identity


Configure Anonymous User Identity

When the Web sites and applications running on the Web server require anonymous access, IIS must be configured with a user account specifically for anonymous access. This user account can 656q1624g be stored in the local account database on the Web server or in a domain.

If, prior to upgrade, the anonymous user identity is configured to use an account stored in a domain you must configure the anonymous user identity to use the same domain-based account after the upgrade. This is necessary because the upgrade process automatically configures IIS to use the default anonymous user account IUSR_computername, where computername is the name of the computer on which IIS is running. You can configure the anonymous user identity to use the domain-based user account through IIS Manager. If the anonymous user identity does not use an account stored in a domain, it can be configured to use an account stored in the local account database on the Web server.

To configure the account used for Anonymous authentication

In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, right-click the site, directory, or file that you want to configure, and then click Properties.

Click the Directory Security or File Security tab, depending on the level for which you are changing the security settings.

In the Authentication and access control section, click Edit.

Select the Enable anonymous access check box.

Type the valid Windows user account you want to use for Anonymous access, or click Browse to locate it.

Click OK twice.

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