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10 steps when setting up a new PC


10 steps when setting up a new PC

When setting up a new PC, it's easy to get caught up in the project and forget the important aspects of the initial set-up. There are certain steps that I always follow when setting up a new system. Some steps can be done after the fact, if you forget to do them during the initial set-up of the system. But others involve starting over, so it is important to try and remember to do 14314g623o them early in the process.

1. Configure adequate partitions Setting up the partitions on a new hard drive is especially important if you're installing any products from the Windows NT family (NT Workstation, NT Server, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server). My recommendations for configuring partitions for a Windows NT family install (assuming an 18.5-GB hard drive) are: Primary partition of 2.0 GB for system files only, Secondary partition of 6 GB for applications, Third partition of 10.5 GB for data only

2. Create an adequate system partition If you're installing any of the Windows NT/2000 products, allow plenty of space on the System partition for the operating systems and its paging file. I generally recommend at least a 2.0-GB partition for the system partition.

3. Install enough RAM Having adequate RAM is as important as having adequate partition sizes. I recommend: 128Mb for NT W/S, 256Mb for NT Server (512Mb with Exchange/SQL Server), 128Mb for 2000 Pro (256Mb is preferable), 256Mb for 2000 Server (512MB with Exchange/SQL Server). Having sufficient physical RAM will lessen paging (when Windows runs out of physical RAM and starts using HDD space as virtual memory. Check out this site for a good description of the paging process.) RAM prices are currently at all-time lows, so there is no excuse for frugality on RAM.

4. Plan for expansion by installing enough hard drive space If you're installing any of the Windows NT/2000 products, I recommend a minimum of one 18.5-GB hard drive. For future expansion, I strongly recommend two 18.5-GB drives. My home system, running Windows 2000 Professional, has two Western Digital "Caviar" 40-GB drives. Hard drives, like RAM, are cheap right now, so having enough storage shouldn't break the bank.

5. Configure adequate paging files For each partition on your system, you should set up a separate paging file. On the Internet, there are all kinds of formulae for calculating paging file sizes, but I usually use the formula: physical RAM X 2 + 128. Using this formula, a machine with 256 MB of RAM would need a paging file of 640 MB per partition.

6. 17" monitor When buying an new system, I recommend getting a 17" monitor. It often costs relatively little and can make all the difference in your end-user's happiness and satisfaction.

7. File system Choosing the right file system is particularly important when installing NT or 2000. Click here for an explanation. I recommend formatting your system partition with NTFS, the applications partition as FAT32, and the data partition as NTFS. While NTFS creates security, there are many applications I have found that will not install correctly on anything but a FAT partition.

8. External modem When buying a PC with a modem, get an external one. In my experience, external modems cause fewer headaches and are considerably more reliable in the long term.

9. Avoid the PC Anywhere disaster This is a tip aimed squarely at Windows 2000 Professional users who plan to install PC Anywhere. If you install a PC Anywhere version earlier than 9.02, the PC will not boot properly. There is a workaround, however. You can install a version earlier than 9.02, but before rebooting, run Live Update and apply the patch to take your copy of PC Anywhere to 9.02. Click here for more information from Symantec's knowledge base.

10. Don't forget the Admin password During the installation of Windows NT or Windows 2000 you will be asked to name a password for the Administrator account. A common mistake is forgetting this password before setting up any other accounts on the machine. If this happens, you will not be able to access the Administrator account without reinstalling the operating system.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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