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The Bedotiinae Family consists of the genus Bedotia and is limited to Madagascar indistribution.

Madagascar Rainbowfish, Red-tailed Silverside

Bedotia geayi
SYN: None
PD: An elongated, laterally compressed species with a pointed head and a rounded, fan-likecaudal fin. There bare two dorsal fins; the first very short, while the second is much longer. The anal fin is long running from themid-belly region to the caudal fin.The back is usually yellow-brown and the flanks are marked with a broad,bluish band. Another parallel band runs near the belly, although is less intense. The flanks have a silvery to green iridescence. Theanal and second dorsal fins are orange-yellow with a black or red border. The caudal fin is white to black withblack along the edges.The outmost parts of the caudal fin may be blood red.
SIZE: To 6" (15 cm
SS: None
HAB: Inhabits mountain streams in Madagascar.
S: middle, top
TANK: A tank measuring 36" (91 cm) with a capacity from 35-45 gallons (132-170 L) is suggestedfor young fish.Adults require a 48" (122 cm) tank.Leave large open swimming areas and plant alongthe back and edges of the tank.Suggest bright lighting and a moderate to strong current.
WATER: pH 7-8 (7.0), 10-18 dH (10), 68-75°F (20-24°C
SB: An active, schooling species suitable for a community tank. This species must be kept in groupsof at least four fish.
SC: Glossolepis,Melanotaenia, Corydoras, Danios
FOOD: Live; insect larvae, worms, crustaceans, insects; flakes; pellets; spinach.
SEX: Males are conspicuously more colorful with a pointed first dorsal fin.
B: Use water with values suggested above and make frequent partial water changes. Thetank should measure at least 28" (71 cm) and have some circulation. A small number of brown eggs are laiddaily among fine-leafed plants and are attached by threads.The pair spawns continuously over a period ofmonths. The eggs hatch after six to seven days and the fry first feed on roftiers and paramecia. Laterthe young can be fed with Artemia nauplii.Both the eggs and the fry are ignored by the parents. The fry swim in an oblique positionat first, but soon develop normal swimming habits.
BP: 7.Breeding is moderately difficult and the young may be sensitive to water conditions.
R: The Madagascar Rainbowfish requires clear, clean water.
DC: 6.This peaceful species is sensitive to water pollution and requires frequent partial waterchanges to thrive and keep its delightful colors.

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Accesari: 1116
Apreciat: hand-up

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